Tissues, body cavities and membranes
Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue Epithelial tissue Types of tissues Connective tissue Muscle tissue Nervous tissue Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue Fibrous connective tissue Supportive connective tissue Fluid connective tissue
Fibrous connective tissue and Supportive connective tissue Loose fibrous tissue: supports epithelium and internal organs Dense fibrous tissue: tendons, ligaments Adipose tissue: specialized loose: store fat/protection/ insulation Hyaline cartilage: end of long bones, nose, ribs etc… Bone: compact, spongy
Fluid connective tissue: Blood White blood cells platelets red blood cell plasma (surrounds formed elements)
Skeletal Smooth Cardiac Muscle tissue Skeletal Smooth Cardiac
• has striated cells with multiple nuclei. Skeletal muscle • has striated cells with multiple nuclei. • occurs in muscles attached to skeleton. • functions in voluntary movement of body. striation nucleus a. b. c. 250X Cardiac muscle • has branching, striated cells, each with a single nucleus. • occurs in the wall of the heart. • functions in the pumping of blood. • is involuntary. Smooth muscle • has spindle-shaped cells, each with • cells have no striations. • functions In movement of substances in lumens of body. • is found in blood vessel walls and walls of the digestive tract. 400X Smooth muscle cell Intercalated disk Muscle fiber a: © Ed Reschke; b: © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./Dennis Strete, photographer; c: © Ed Reschke
Nervous tissue Neurons Neuroglia
Neuron Microglia Astrocyte Oligodendrocyte Capillary dendrite nucleus cell body Astrocyte Microglia Oligodendrocyte myelin sheath axon Capillary dendrite
Simple epithelial Stratified epithelial Glandular epithelial Epithelial tissue Simple epithelial Stratified epithelial Glandular epithelial
Simple epithelium Stratified epithelium
Body cavities and membranes
Thoracic cavity: contains heart, lungs, and esophagus Ventral cavity Abdominal contains stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, and intestines Pelvic contains reproductive and other organs diaphragm Vertebral spinal cord Dorsal Cranial Contains brain
4 types of membranes -Pleura -Peritoneum Meninges + Pericardium (covers heart) Meninges