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Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!
Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2
Dictators and War in Europe The Holocaust America and War WWII in Europe WWII in the Pacific Home Front Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
German military strategy. $100 German military strategy.
$100 What is blitzkrieg? Scores
Treaty opposed by Adolph Hitler. $200 Treaty opposed by Adolph Hitler.
What is the Treaty of Versailles? $200 What is the Treaty of Versailles? Scores
Germany attacked this country to get Britain into the War in Europe. $300 Germany attacked this country to get Britain into the War in Europe.
$300 What is Poland? Scores
Dictator of Germany during WWII. $400 Dictator of Germany during WWII.
$400 Who was Adolph Hitler? Scores
Prime Minister of England at start of WWII. $500 Prime Minister of England at start of WWII.
Who was Winston Churchill? $500 Who was Winston Churchill? Scores
6 million killed during the Holocaust. $100 6 million killed during the Holocaust.
$100 What are Jews? Scores
$200 The crystal night where hundreds of Jewish synagogues and businesses were destroyed.
$200 What is kristallnacht? Scores
Laws that limited the rights of Jews in Germany. $300 Laws that limited the rights of Jews in Germany.
What were the Nuremberg Laws? $300 What were the Nuremberg Laws? Scores
Daily Double
$400 Most Jews and other groups of people were sent here to work or be killed by the German military during WWII.
What are concentration camps? $400 What are concentration camps? Scores
$500 Author of the book Night which detailed his experience as a young Jewish boy during the Holocaust.
$500 Who is Elie Weisel? Scores
F.D.R’s initial plan of dealing with the war in Europe. $100 F.D.R’s initial plan of dealing with the war in Europe.
$100 What is appeasement? Scores
$200 Policy in which the US provided weapons to the British to fight the Germans without entering the war.
What was the Lend-Lease Act? $200 What was the Lend-Lease Act? Scores
$300 In order to decrease inflation, the US increased their production of these goods.
What are consumer goods? $300 What are consumer goods? Scores
The US, Britain, France and Soviet Union were these powers. $400 The US, Britain, France and Soviet Union were these powers.
What are the Allied Powers? $400 What are the Allied Powers? Scores
Reason the US entered WWII. $500 Reason the US entered WWII.
$500 What was Pearl Harbor? Scores
Battle that led to a bulge in the Allied lines in France. $100 Battle that led to a bulge in the Allied lines in France.
What was the Battle of the Bulge? $100 What was the Battle of the Bulge? Scores
Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces on D-Day. $200 Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces on D-Day.
Who was Dwight Eisenhower. $200 Who was Dwight Eisenhower. Scores
$300 V-E Day.
What was Victory in Europe? $300 What was Victory in Europe? Scores
The mass Allied invasion of Normandy beach. $400 The mass Allied invasion of Normandy beach.
$400 What was D-Day? Scores
$500 A massive Allied invasion allowed for Soviet victory in this grading battle.
What is the Battle of Stalingrad? $500 What is the Battle of Stalingrad? Scores
Japanese sneak attack on US Pacific Fleet. $100 Japanese sneak attack on US Pacific Fleet.
$100 What was Pearl Harbor? Scores
$200 Turning point in war in Pacific; this middle way battle led to the defeat of the Japanese navy.
What was the Battle of Midway? $200 What was the Battle of Midway? Scores
$300 US plan of attack in Pacific to jump from one island under Japanese control to the next.
What was island hopping? $300 What was island hopping? Scores
$400 Small island in the Pacific, which is remembered by a statue of the Americans lifting an American flag at its peak.
$400 What was Iwo Jima? Scores
$500 The atomic bombs dropped on these two Japanese city’s led to the eventual end of WWII.
What were Hiroshima and Nagasaki? $500 What were Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Scores
Symbol of women who worked in factories during WWII. $100 Symbol of women who worked in factories during WWII.
Who was Rosie the Riviter? $100 Who was Rosie the Riviter? Scores
$200 They were moved to internment camps to protect their safety months after Pearl Harbor.
Who were Japanese Americans? $200 Who were Japanese Americans? Scores
$300 A group of Americans who began to fight for their civil rights after returning from service during WWII.
What are African Americans? $300 What are African Americans? Scores
$400 A group of Americans who saw an increase in their role in the workforce during and after WWII.
$400 What were women? Scores
$500 US President who ordered the mass evacuation of Japanese Americans to internment camps.
$500 Who was F.D.R.? Scores
Final Jeopary Question Jeopardy The Atomic Bomb Final Jeopary Question Scores
Name of the US government program that developed the atomic bomb.
What was the Manhattan Project Scores