The 1970s: America in Crisis?


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Presentation transcript:

The 1970s: America in Crisis?

I. Foreign Policy: The End of the American Era? Nixon’s Peace with Honor Means Defeat in Vietnam

B. The Shah, Revolution & American Hostages in Iran

C. The Cold War Cools: Détente & Nixon’s Visits to Russia and China

II. Economics: The Decline of the American Dream?

A. The Politics of Oil: Israel, OPEC, and the Oil Embargo

B. Stagflation: Rising Prices & Rising Unemployment Hurt the Ordinary American Family

C. Welfare, War, and Growing Government Debt

III. Politics: Growing Distrust of Government A. Leadership, Assassinations & the Legacy of the 1960s

B. The Watergate Scandal & the Nixon White House i. CREEP & The Watergate Break-In

The Watergate Hotel

1972 Presidential Election

ii. Cover Up & Taped Conversations

iii. Nixon Resigns, Ford (Not a Lincoln) Pardons