Objectives The student will be learning the basic and advanced principles of performance and weightlifting techniques through lecture and practical application. The student will be learning how to apply the principles of performance and advanced weight training techniques to enhance the performance of the resistance athlete and the endurance athlete. The student will be learn how to develop an Individual exercise prescription accounting for their individual fitness goals. SOLs: 11/12.1, 11/12.2, 11/12.3, 11/12.4, 11/12.5
Forced Repetitions Forced repetitions are assisted movement by a training partner, or spotter. They are typically perform with heavy weight or near the end of a set after failure. Forced repetitions may lead to overtraining if used for an extended period of time. If forced reps are to be performed, it is suggested to reserve their use to only once a month before changing exercises, or at the end of a mesocycle.
Negatives The exerciser slowly lowers a very heavy resistance through the eccentric phase of and exercise. Although, not considered a negative, a training partner assists the exerciser through the concentric phase of an exercise so the exerciser can complete additional negatives. Negatives are most often used with sub-maximal repetitions near the end of a set in between forced repetitions.
Cheating Cheating involves compromised form implementing unintended momentum, altered alignment, or angle of pull in effort at specific points of the exercise in effort to complete repetitions. Cheating may increase the risk of injury since it exposes the bodily structures to forces to which they are not accustomed.