When Realities Unite Non-traditional students embrace the collaboration of university program delivery in community colleges
Innovative Method of Course Delivery is Flourishing Experience Commitment Productive Social Networks
Experience Appalachian State University has 50+ years experience offering off-campus programming The majority of these years have been in teacher education
Experience - Students Served 200 part-time, evening, undergraduate, Elementary Education students (since 2005) 200+ part-time, evening, undergraduate, Middle Grades and Special Education students (since 2005) 125 full-time, daytime, undergraduate Elementary Education students (since 2007)
Experience - Students Served 45% of all undergraduate cohorts, off-campus, are education 42 Master/EdS/Doctoral education cohorts are currently offered, off-campus (up to 20 students each)
10 community colleges + Appalachian State University Experience From this experience evolved the Appalachian Learning Alliance (ALA) 10 community colleges + Appalachian State University The ALA agreement was signed by all participating institutions in 1999
Experience ALA Goals Increase access to high quality instruction and learning for North Carolinians Expand educational offerings through a variety of collaborations and educational initiatives Share educational resources to deliver cost-effective learning programs and degree programs to a wide range of citizens Add value to North Carolina’s existing higher education resources
Each community college Experience Each community college determines the resources they are capable of dedicating to ALA efforts provides classroom space University students, attending ALA sites, have access to all learning resource facilities and library resources on that campus Students receive Appalachian IDs, access to all student-related ASU web information, newsletters, career development services, library, textbook, IT services and more
Experience In the past, Appalachian’s Learning Alliance has focused on part-time, off-campus, evening cohorts Assessment revealed significant interest to offer an off-campus, full-time, daytime, Elementary Education program Alliance Community Students report inability to live on main campus place bound by employment/children/spouse desire to attend university but no reasonable access willingness to travel up to 45 minutes, one way, to pursue degree in higher education
Commitment In 2007 for the first time in North Carolina a full-time, off-campus, Elementary Education program was launched Key to success were Student demand for the major Community College support The Appalachian State University Center, on the campus of Caldwell Community College, funded by County Commissioners Private Donors Caldwell Community College Appalachian State University
30,000 + sq ft facility, of which we occupy 15,000 sq ft, at this time Commitment Appalachian State University Center is located an hour from main campus and over an hour from UNC Charlotte 30,000 + sq ft facility, of which we occupy 15,000 sq ft, at this time Student Lounge Media Lab
Students have access to Commitment Students who attend the Appalachian State University Center enjoy a well equipped and staffed facility, comparable to ASU’s own. Students have access to 2 full-time and one half-time staff persons Appalachian faculty advisor 2 information technology technicians semi-private student lounge vended printing computer lab housing multiple Macintosh and Windows computers media lab equipped with a variety of media manipulation equipment (scanner, vhs/dvd converter, digital still and video cameras, on-line-real-time tutoring accessibility) classrooms with portable computer lab capability
Program instruction is funded through UNC System Commitment Program instruction is funded through UNC System Some financial aid is available through the NC General Assembly & the UNC System Appalachian and each ALA member have consortia agreements permitting dual enrollment
Appalachian, main campus faculty Commitment Community College faculty provide freshman and sophomore components Appalachian, main campus faculty have regular teaching assignments at the ALA sites provide upper division coursework identify field placements, internships and student teaching supervise student interns and student teachers
Productive Social Networks Local school districts are ready to hire Alliance graduates appreciate the opportunity for professional development/advancement allowed by extensive, local Appalachian graduate programming
How it Works Full-time cohort students attend classes 12-15 hrs/wk report working approximately 20 hrs/wk typically report the care of another as a primary responsibility outside of school attend university classes for 3 years, with summers off
Appalachian Instructors How it Works Appalachian Instructors travel to the Alliance site once per week, usually delivering 3 hours of face-to-face instruction to students, in one day are typically tenure (track), full-time, on-campus instructors deliver the same rigor and challenges to off-campus students as are delivered to students’ on-campus peers
How it Works Appalachian’s commencement occurs each May and December On- and off-campus students graduate together on the main campus of Appalachian State University
The Results Cohort #1 Graduated Fall 2009 N=25 Graduated Fall 2009 95% Graduated with Latin Honors 52% Magna Cum Laude 24% Summa Cum Laude 19% Cum Laude 96% Overall retention
The Results Cohort #2 Semester 6 100% Dean’s List 67% Chancellor’s List 110.5% retention Overall grade point average of 3.72
The Results Cohort #3 Semester 5 90% Dean’s List 30% Chancellor’s List 95% retention Overall grade point average of 3.66
The Results Cohort #4 Semester 3 100% Dean’s List 64% Chancellor’s List 95% retention Overall grade point average of 3.66
(2 semesters earlier than required) The Results Cohort #5 N=23 Semester 1 87% of students have passed Praxis I prior to admission to Appalachian State University (2 semesters earlier than required) 100% students report a high level of satisfaction with their classes, facilities, student support and administrative services
The success of this Elementary Education venture has led to The Results The success of this Elementary Education venture has led to Establishment of two additional Appalachian Centers Additional majors, including Criminal Justice Psychology Business Management Communication Social Work Nursing
Appalachian initiated the Conclusion Appalachian initiated the Learning Alliance With Community Colleges to increase accessibility and affordability of a 4-year degree for non-traditional students alleviate state’s critical shortage of teachers provide professional development to region and…
Conclusion address campus enrollment mandates address economic decline by increasing number of college graduates within Alliance communities build graduate programs
Conclusion Why we do it….