Scientific Method.


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Presentation transcript:

Scientific Method

Objective Know how to PLAN and conduct an experiment Know how to MEASURE data CORRECTLY

Vocab Hypothesis Theory Variable Control Group Experimental variable (Independent) Responding variable (dependent) Controlled variables Control Group

What is science?

What is science? The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment The effort to understand Monty Python (good quality)

The key is to share your findings

Examples of science What you eat How you interact with people Sports Survival Mythbusters guy

Scientific Method 1/3 Observe Form Hypothesis Question Gather data using five senses Form Hypothesis Explanation, prediction, educated guess Must be falsifiable “if… then…” statement

Scientific Method 2/3 Experiment Experimental Group Control Group Experimental variable (independent)– factor you want to test Responding variable (dependent) – factor you measure Controlled variables – factors that remain unchanged each time Control Group All factors held constant Used for comparison

Scientific Method 3/3 Measure Data (analyze results) Conclusion Look it over, think about it You have most likely answered your first question by creating even more questions Graphic organizers help Conclusion Was your hypothesis correct? Share Findings Monty Python

Always be very detailed when writing hypotheses, planning/designing experiments, and writing conclusions

Repeat experiments In order to make sure your results are valid, you should repeat your experiment many times

DRY MIX D – dependent variable R – responding variable Y – y-axis (when graphing) M – manipulated variable (experimental) I – independent variable X – x-axis (when graphing)

What is a theory? a well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations supported by lots of experimenting by lots of scientists