Unstructured Communication Social Media, e.g. Twitter Utility Shareable Maps Google Maps ArcGIS Online Managed Maps ArcGIS Online for Organizations Non-Profit Options Crowd/Group Sourcing Examples
Social Media –Unstructured communication Social Media –Unstructured communication. Ubiquitous and potentially useful. Here is a map of geo-tagged tweets at a given time in Santa Clara County. Also, see the georss feed presented from the USGS on earthquakes. Social Media –Unstructured communication. Ubiquitous and potentially useful. Here is a map of geo-tagged tweets at a given time in Santa Clara County. Also, see the georss feed presented from the USGS on earthquakes.
If we want to query Twitter - we can If we want to query Twitter - we can. But be careful on what you ask for. Unstructured information is useful but it usable without some management? If we want to query Twitter - we can. But be careful on what you ask for. Unstructured information is useful but it usable without some management?
Google Maps provides a convenient and easy method to add data to maps and share them.
Google Maps provides a convenient and easy method to add data to maps and share them. ArcGIS Online is a similar map as Google which allows you to upload a file and present it on a map. http://arcg.is/1HwxNry
One neat feature in ArcGIS Online is the ability to search for map services and add them to your shareable map. One neat feature in ArcGIS Online is the ability to search for map services and add them to your shareable map. http://arcg.is/1HwxNry (Need to have a free, public account to search)
ESRI provides an essentially free suite of software products to non profit organizations to create shareable maps and data. ESRI provides an essentially free suite of software products to non profit organizations to create shareable maps and data. http://www.esri.com/nonprofit
Here’s an example of managed communication Here’s an example of managed communication. This is an ArcGIS Online for Organizations application allowing surveying of impromptu shelters. An example of managed communication. This is an ArcGIS Online for Organizations application for surveying of impromptu shelters. http://sccgov.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Editor/index.html?appid=9ef06a6998d34c838b68b86666af37f3
Here’s another example that combines both impromptu shelters and food distribution centers in one web map with edit capabilities. Note the extra functionality not present in the simplified editor application. Another example that combines both impromptu shelters and food distribution centers in one web map with edit capabilities. Note the extra functionality not present in the simplified editor application. http://arcg.is/1HwzpBN
Search for “CADRE_DEMO” at www. arcgis Search for “CADRE_DEMO” at www.arcgis.com and you will find all the components of the demonstration; feature services, web map and application. Search for “CADRE_DEMO” at www.arcgis.com and you will find all the components of the demonstration; feature services, web map and application. http://www.arcgis.com/home/search.html?q=CADRE_DEMO&t=content
Search Terms ArcGIS for Non Profits “CADRE_DEMO” in www.arcgis.com/home More info about editing permissions: “managed hosted layers arcgis online” https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/share-maps/manage-hosted-layers.htm douglas.schenk@isd.sccgov.org