- MARATLAS - EU Atlas of the Seas Anne-France WOESTYN DG MARE.C1 8 March 2010
Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) EU Atlas of the Seas (MARATLAS) Presentation of the project Navigation into the application March 2010
Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) - Aims Maximising the sustainable use of the oceans & seas Building a knowledge and innovation base on which to further develop Delivering the highest quality of life in coastal regions Promoting Europe’s leadership in international maritime affairs Raising visibility for Maritime Europe March 2010
IMP – Sea basins approaches Outermost Regions Communication (Oct 2008) Arctic Communication (November 2008) Baltic Sea Strategy (June 2009) Mediterranean Communication (Sept 2009) North Sea Communication (2010) Atlantic Communication (2010) March 2010
IMP – Transversal tools Integrated maritime governance and stakeholder involvement Integration of maritime surveillance Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Building a marine knowledge base EU Atlas of the Seas - MARATLAS March 2010
ATLAS: Objectives and target Objectives Atlas: raise public awareness of maritime issues clarify the spatial dimension of EU maritime policy and legislation, including FISH policies promote the identity of maritime basins Target audience: Interested public, MS and stakeholders March 2010
ATLAS: Approach Web-based, dynamic and public Integrated in MARE website Mainly maps, also texts and pictures European scope, including OR Sea basin approach, including coasts, waters Multi-sectors – multi-themes, including fisheries Multi-lingual (EN, FR, DE) March 2010
ATLAS: Main mile stones 10/2007 Decision to create the atlas 2008 Conceptual development 2009 Prototype development Spring 2010 Public launch Public consultation 2010 Enrichment & improvement March 2010
ATLAS Steering External DG MARE Project team Inter Service Group Committee Experts FISH experts March 2010
ATLAS: Approval process: 4 versions & sites DG MARE DIGIT Development For MARE project team only Acceptance Test for project team & DIGIT Steering Committee Project team C1, F3 F3+DIGIT FISH experts Internal test (limited) Content test for DG MARE Production (public) Before launch: external test After launch: ‘the public atlas’ March 2010
ATLAS: Launch, events and later updates Spring 2010 (date TBC) Public consultation: May 2010 (with Interactive Policy Making) Coming events: EU Seafood fair-expo (27-29/04, Brussels) EU Maritime day (20/05, Gijon) Later updates: Every 3 to 6 months March 2010
ATLAS: Publications and promotion Web pages on new Europa web site (23 languages) Brochure 4 A4 pages, full colours (EN/FR/DE, 3000 ex) Folder A4/3 (23 languages) Dossier in Magazine ‘Fisheries and aquaculture in Europe’ n°47, April 2010, 3p. on the Atlas (23 languages, 32 700 ex) EU school Diary 2010-2011, 2p. (23 languages, ~3 500 000 ex) Poster(s) (TBC) Gadget March 2010
March 2010
Thank you for your attention! More information: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs Contact: anne-france.woestyn@ec.europa.eu March 2010