Arctic maritime perspectives and opportunities for cooperation ARCTIC MARITIME SYMPOSIUM My COM MG Kim Jesper Jørgensen sends his regards. Unfortunately, he could not be here himself because of meetings in Copenhagen with e.g. with the US Defense Vice Chief. Arctic maritime perspectives and opportunities for cooperation CLASSIFICATION BRANCH/DIV/DATE
Arctic maritime symposium THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK The Kingdom of Denmark, including both Greenland and the Faroe Islands, is a NATO member. Denmark has approximately 5.5 mio. inhabitant and both Greenland and the Faroe Islands have between 50.000-60.000 inhabitants. Both Greenland and the Faroe Islands have self-governance with two representatives in the Danish parliament each. Greenland and the Faroe Islands are responsible for certain areas such as education, helth, minerals and ressources and trade. Denmark is overall responsible for the foreign policy, justice and the defence. Danish Joint Arctic Command covering both Greenland and the Faroe Islands was commissioned in 2012. Operational, Denmark has 4 frigates of the THETIS-Class and 3 Arctic Offshore Patrol Vessels of the KNUD RASMUSSEN-Class with icebreaking capabilities operating in the Arctic. Normally, 1 frigate is operating around the Faroe Islands and the rest of the ships are deployed to Greenland or in Denmark for maintenance. The ships main tasks are surveillance/sovereignty and to participate in daily picture compilation. Having frigates and AOPVs operating in the Arctic is not a new task – We have been present for surveillance, sovreignty, SAR and fiskery inspection for many decades. CLASSIFICATION BRANCH/DIV/DATE
New sea routes – increased activities In the last decade it became clear that global warming was going to impact the Arctic region. Many tried to raise public awareness of the dangers of global warming and called for immediate actions to curb its destructive effects on the environment. An example was Davis Guggenheim’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” with former presidential candidate Al Gore lecturing. In Greenland single hulled cruise ships operating in un-surveyed areas were observed and maritime authorities were notified and recommended to work for a Polar Code to regulate the ship traffic in the Arctic. The Kingdom of Denmark invited the five Arctic coastal nations bordering on the Arctic Ocean (later extended with Iceland, Finland and Sweden) to Ilulissat, Greenland, in May 2008 to discuss and sign a declaration of how to handle the consequences of the climate changes in the Arctic Ocean. The meeting was held at the political level on the 28 May 2008.
Arctic maritime symposium The ilulissat declaration ARCTIC OCEAN CONFERENCE ILULISSAT, GREENLAND, 27 – 29 MAY 2008 Signed 28 May 2008 Choosing Ilulissat or Jakobshavn which is the old Danish name for the city as the place for an Arctic Ocean Conference, was not a coincidence. Adm. Zukunft explained Tuesday how much the glacier has pulled back and because of that Ilulissat was a good place to have a meeting discussing and agreeing on consequences of global warming. Seen with Danish eyes, the Ilulissat Declaration is providing a solid foundation for a responsible management of the increased use of Arctic waters including tourism, shipping, research, resource development, the risk of accidents and to strengthen Search And Rescue capabilities and the capacity to prevent and counter maritime pollution in the Arctic Ocean. Signing the Ilulissat Declaration, the Arctic states ensured each other an appropriate response to any accident. The Arctic nations also agreed to share information and to cooperate dealing with the new challenges in the Arctic Ocean.
Arctic maritime symposium Potential expansion of the continental shelf 200 NM Agreed limit Mid-line Lomonosov ridge This slide shows the Kingdom of Denmark’s claim of the continental shelf submitted 15 Dec 2014. Russia submitted their overlapping claim 10 years before Denmark and will receive a decision from the international court in Haag 10 years before Denmark. To the best of my knowledge, Russia will have an answer this year or in 2019. With reference to the Ilulissat Declaration it is formulated, that – “the law of the sea provides for important rights and obligations concerning delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf, and that the signing nations are committed to this legal framework and to the orderly settlement of any possible overlapping claims. Denmark is convinced that the Ilulissat Declaration was the right initiative and hope – without being naïve – that continental shelf claims will not leave to tension and conflicts in the Arctc region. Claimed area DANISH CLAIM SUBMITTED 15 DEC 2014 895.000 KM2 CLASSIFICATION
Arctic maritime symposium More potential continental shelf expansions This slide just shows (the blue borders) the total Danish continental shelf expansions claims. The yellow border shows JACO Area of interest, the red JACO area of operations and in green the areas of responsibility (the EEZ)
Arctic maritime symposium Exercises and partnerships Denmark is dedicated in different Arctic forums an especially in the Arctic Council, the Arctic Coast Guard Forum and of course in NATO.
The Arctic Coast Guard Forum has been mentioned during the symposium as an operational/tactical forum for sharing information, cooperation and a forum for planning and executing exercises. Last year Iceland hosted an Arctic SAR exercise and next year Finland will do the same as an agreed part of the rotating chair responsibilities. The ACGF is also a forum for discussions and during the last Principals Meeting in Finland Adm. Zukunft mentioned that cruise ship operators are planning to operate as far north as the North Pole in 2030. Of course this information gives food for thoughts of how to deal with a mass casualty cruiseship accident on such latitudes. Denmark sees the ACGF as a great forum to discuss such challenges.
Arctic maritime symposium Bilateral and multilateral engagement Denmark’s focus is bilateral and multilateral engagement - with the Arctic Security Forces Roundtable as an example. Denmark sees cooperation in the Arctic as the way forward. Information sharing, sharing operational and tactical procedures and exchange of personnel could or should be the way forward for better understanding and cooperation in the Arctic. CLASSIFICATION BRANCH/DIV/DATE
Arctic maritime symposium Thank you CLASSIFICATION