Topics, Grammar, Skills, Grading 2017/2018 English 2 Topics, Grammar, Skills, Grading 2017/2018
Topics Communication Job description and job satisfaction Global issues for the 21st century Promotional activities and branding Management styles Raising finance Takeovers and mergers Social English and cultural awareness The shape of things to come (making predictions about social and economic trends)
Grammar Tenses: present, past, future simple, continuous active, passive Conditionals: real, unreal present, past
Writing and speaking E-mails Cover letter Meetings Negotiations Giving presentations
Coursebooks and references Business English in Practice Business Vocabulary in Use Grammar
Points and grading Pre-exam assignments: 15 pts (completed during the winter term and summer term) Written exam: 65 pts (35+30) Oral exam: 10 pts Attendance: 10 pts (5+5) 51 - 60 =6 61 - 70 =7 71 -80 =8 81 -90 =9 91 - 100=10