National Star College – The Employment Challenge
Context The Employment Challenge for National Star College: Supporting the learning of increasingly complex young people to transition into employment locally Working nationally with a network of agencies to ensure learners can progress into employment nationally
Where we are currently We offer extended work placements with the support of Job Mentors on both a group and individual basis Job mentors and personal learning mentors co-ordinate the employment transition of learners where work is a target
Where we would like to get to... A wider network of multi agency provision based across the UK Provision that influences the mindset of employers Supported Internships
Steps into Work model Supported internship model bringing together an Employer, Remploy and National Star College Based on the review of case studies completed by Remploy, Office of Disability, Project Search, Steps into Work pilot at Transport for London and Skills into Work at NSC.
Steps into Work Delivery The programme is a full time course currently based on a term time model over 36 weeks. Based at a single site employer location Learners achieve qualifications alongside work Job Coaches come from Remploys local network and support young people into open employment
The Young Persons Perspective Attend work 5 days a week NSC Tutor and Learning Support, and Remploys Job Coach are embedded with the employer Family commitment that the young person is moving into employment
National Star College Perspective Funded through Element 1, 2 and where applicable Element 3 Tutor and Learning Support is based with each employer with a group of 8 – 12 learners Work with the learners to complete identified tasks and capture learning
Remploys Perspective Job Coach and part time Employment Broker are based with the Employer Links with the employer to provide Job Analysis and TSI (Training in Systematic Instruction) Plans Works with Employment broker to secure on- going employment at the end of the programme
Examples of pilot areas established Gloucestershire – two employer sites, one pan disability, one specific to ASD partnership with NSC and Remploy London – College of North London in partnership with NSC, Remploy and Tottenham Hotspur Foundation Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College – Ealing Hospital Burton and South Derbyshire College in partnership with Remploy and Marks and Spencer
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