Tuesday, January 3rd 2017
WHAT ARE WE DOING TODAY? Bellwork: SILENTLY complete activity Homework Checked: None Classwork: Essential Question Discussion Word Generation: Should Drugs Be Legalized? What’s new this 9-weeks Grammar Lesson 17: Pronouns and Antecedents Homework: Get Maniac Magee Maniac Magee Info: Dear Parents/Guardians, This year your student will need to be equipped with the proper reading materials for each unit. Our mentor text for the next 9 weeks unit will be Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. Your student can purchase this book from me (Mrs. Walker) during class until Friday, January 6th. You can send $7 in CASH ONLY. Thank you!
Bellwork Answer the following question in your bellwork section of your notebook. Make sure it is at least one paragraph (five sentences). What is one thing you can do this 9-weeks to be a better person? After you finish writing, get out an AR book and READ SILENTLY! Make sure to put the date beside your response and keep all bellwork responses for the week on the same page. They will be due the first day of the following week. Be sure to stay organized and keep up!
How do we decide who we are? Essential question How do we decide who we are? Discuss the question with group and fill out the first section of the packet that goes with this question. Also, be sure to write the five vocabulary words in your vocabulary section with the definition.
Word Generation This week’s issue: Should drugs be legalized? Words for this week: Decade Incompatible Temporarily Unify Violation Work with your group to try to comprehend the article and figure out (using the tools we have learned about, such as context clues) what the bolded words mean. Definitions: Decade – 10 years Incompatible – inconsistent; unable to exist together Temporarily – for a while; not permanently Unify – to bring together Violation- breaking of a rule; offense against something such as privacy or trust
What’s New Classroom setup Binder AR Points Rewards and Consequences Finishing Strong! Classroom setup: Completely rearranged to help both the teacher and students Binder: be sure to keep up with assignments and stay organized! AR Points: You will need 30 points for both this nine weeks and next nine weeks (each, total of 60 points for the semester) We have a semester-long 40 book challenge. IT IS NOT OPTIONAL. You must fill out the sheet as you take AR tests and PASS. I must initial off after you finish the quiz. Rewards and Consequences: Consequences- I will continue to use the behavior notebook for minor issues (talking out of turn, throwing paper, etc.). Once your page is filled up, we will have a parent-teacher conference. If it is something more major, I will give you a discipline form and silent lunch on your first offense, parent-teacher conference on your second offense, and a write-up on your third offense. Rewards- Each day every class starts out with one point. If they day goes well, you will get to keep that point. If not, I will remove it. There will be rewards the following week for the number of points you receive. The class with the most points at the end of the nine weeks will be awarded a party. Finish Strong: We are in the second half of your sixth grade year! State testing will be coming up soon. Be sure to really dig in and put forth all the effort you can to come out of this year better than ever. I have faith in every one of you!
Grammar Lesson 17: Pronouns and Antecedents Answers: Them They Her We It He Us She
Announcements 1/3: Return to school This week: DRP testing 1/5: Report Cards go home! 1/6: Winter packet due 1/16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
Clean up New procedure for cleaning up Weekly assignments