French Elementary WEBSITE: 2017-2018 Open House Fourth Grade French Elementary WEBSITE: 1
Welcome to 4th Grade! Teacher Phone Number E-Mail Susan Mojares 832-375-8141 Beth Parr 832-375-8142 Sandra Rowland 832-375-8140 2 French Elementary Video:
Important Information Photograph permission form Enrichment Clusters PTO membership
Report Cards and Grades Report cards can be viewed on Skyward. Progress reports will be printed and sent home with each student. Skyward will be updated with the current grades. 5
Homework Guidelines Homework is generally not assigned on Friday or over major school holidays. Homework is not graded at the elementary level. However, their homework completion will be reflected in their work habits section on their report card. If homework is too difficult for your child or is taking a very long time to complete, please contact your classroom teacher. In Language Arts students should read at least 20 minutes per night and study spelling words. 6
Parent/Teacher Conferences We have a sign-up sheet available for you to sign up for a conference on October 13th. Please sign up on your homeroom teacher’s sheet. 7
Parent Readers You can sign up for a date and time to read to your child’s reading class. Please sign up for the time that corresponds with the period your child has reading with Mrs. Parr. All parent readers must have a background check already completed and be on the list as an approved volunteer. If you haven’t completed the volunteer process yet, it’s easy. You can access the information on the Klein ISD website.
Testing Information STAAR Dates April 10 – 4th grade writing Other Information… (MAP at all grade levels) Online testing that adjusts to each child We take this test at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. Provides immediate feedback STAAR Dates April 10 – 4th grade writing May 14 – 4th math May 15 – 4th reading 9
to sign up for our remind text messages! Ways we communicate! Website Remind Text the number 81010. Enter the message: @parr17 @mojares1 @rowland171 to sign up for our remind text messages!
Grade Level Curriculum Language Arts – Reading, Writing - Parr Grammar, Spelling Homeroom teacher Math - Mojares Science, Social Studies - Rowland 11
Schedule Homeroom/Small groups 7:50-8:30 Specials 8:30 - 9:15 1st period 9:15 - 10:45 2nd period 10:45 - 1:15 Lunch Parr 12:09 Mojares 12:12 Rowland 12:15 Recess 12:45 - 1:00 3rd period 1:15 - 2:50 Grammar/Spelling Homeroom 2:50 - 3:20 Dismissal 3:35
Lunch Student go to lunch during 2nd period. They will go at the designated time for that 2nd period teacher. Parr 12:09-12:39 Mojarees 12:12-12:42 Rowland 12:15-12:45 Students must sit at their class table. Parents are welcome to come and eat with their children, If you come to eat with your children, you will eat at the designated visitors’ tables or outside. 13
Schedule… Parr Specials Monday 8:30- 9:15 Tuesday 8:15- 9:45 8:30 - Wednesday 8:30 - Thursday Friday 8:30 - 9:15 PE: Mrs. Hallmark Music: Mrs. Gunhouse Art: Mrs. Bledsoe Parr Specials
Schedule… Mojares Specials Monday 8:30- 9:15 Tuesday 8:15- 9:45 8:30 - Wednesday 8:30 - Thursday Friday 8:30 - 9:15 Art PE Music Mojares Specials
Schedule… Rowland Specials Monday 8:30- 9:15 Tuesday 8:15- 9:45 8:30 - Wednesday 8:30 - Thursday Friday 8:30 - 9:15 PE: Mr. Herrero Music Mrs. Massa Art: Mrs. Bledsoe Rowland Specials
Planners These spiral bound books will go home nightly and will include any homework as well as other important school-related information such as field trips, school events, and testing information. Please check them nightly as well as your child’s travel (French) folders. 17
Daily Routines - Snacks/Water Bottles Snack time is at 9:45 (when the attendance bell rings). Please make sure snacks are healthy! Daily Routines - Snacks/Water Bottles
Class Dojo Pit Passes Rewards
The Nurtured Heart Approach ♥ The Nurtured Heart Approach is a way of seeking out and acknowledging the positive character traits and behaviors that we see in others. ♥ Traditional behavior management methods have focused attention on the things that are going wrong in classroom situations. Nurtured Heart puts the focus, energy, and teacher’s attention on the things that are going right.
Please look over all of the papers in your Wednesday Folder. Please have the Wednesday folders back to school the next day with a parent signature. Wednesday Folders
Students will go to the library every other week on Thursday. Please help your child remember to bring their library books back on time. Thank you! Library Expectations
Upcoming Grade Level Field Trip Wunderlich Farms – March More information will come later! Stacy 23
Thanks for coming! We can’t wait to have a great fourth grade year here at French!