Research Report Update Goal 2: Zero Hunger II Research Report Update
Topic 1: (The question of eliminating hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition through sustainable agriculture) 1. Current events update (that is relevant for your topic): Article by Malnutrition Deeply 02/22/2018 African green water revolution could be a possible opportunity to make Africa more agrobiodiversity-rich, which will further improve the nutrition security Instead of large-scale, industrialized agricultural revolutions to achieve food security, small-scale and highly diversified systems could build water resilience and will be a more realistic approach to improve Africa’s agriculture 2. Positions of key players, countries, and organizations (especially if they have changed): The UN // Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Specialized agency that leads international efforts to defeat hunger, Its main goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that everyone has regular access to nutritional food and healthy lives, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) NGO that strives to produce reduce poverty, malnutrition, and hunger through 6 areas of focus: Ensuring sustainable food production, Promoting healthy food systems, Improving markets and trade, Transforming agriculture, Building resilience, and Strengthening institutions and governance, Sunny + Srivats Topic: The question of eliminating hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition through sustainable agriculture
Topic 1 (Continued) Africa (Hungriest Continent) // Central African Republic (Hungriest Country) Poverty and Hunger plague Africa, and incorporating sustainable agriculture would greatly benefit, Asia Poverty plagues South Asia especially, where farming is a big industry, and steps for moving toward sustainable agriculture have been taken, 3. Blocs that may emerge (alliances between the major players): Bloc of nations that are helping to improve food security: Finland/Switzerland/Canada/other countries from the European Committee (EC) Bloc of nations that have strong commitments to combat child malnutrition: Ethiopia/Guatemala/Malawi/Peru/Tanzania/Burkina Faso/Burundi/Madagascar/Nepal Southeast Asian Nations where agriculture is a major industry 4. Any other relevant but significant information: As the idea of malnutrition can be defined as ;’not eating the right things’, the implementation of sustainable agriculture would ensure a more steady supply of food to those in need The implementation of sustainable agriculture has already begun, and is set to continue steadily in the coming years Sunny + Srivats Topic: The question of eliminating hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition through sustainable agriculture
Topic 2 (Improving Nutrition for Children in Asia) Current events update (that is relevant for your topic) UNICEF article 3/1/2018: Iodine deficiency is one of the leading causes of death for children Affects 19 million babies globally (14% each year); more than ¼ are in South Asia Insufficient iodine intake during pregnancy and infancy Shows the effects from the low intake of nutrition; can impact children’s brain development Nutrition stimulates brain activities and the chances for a more prosperous future Countries that have iodine deficiencies: Burundi, Mozambique, South Sudan, Sudan, Mali Blocs that may emerge (alliances between the major players) Countries ranking by better healthcare (more likely to have better food security) South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia Countries with worse healthcare systems (less likely to have good food security) Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Nepal, Cambodia Improving nutrition for children under ten years of age in the Asia region Cindy + Kaiwayne
Topic 2 (Continued) Any other relevant but significant information Positions of key players, countries, and organizations China Poor nutrition for children, especially for vitamin A and iron UNICEF partners with Ministry of Health to improve children’s nutrition Raising awareness of the benefits of iodized salt World Food Programme (WFP) A food-assistant branch of the UN The largest promoting food security and addressing hunger Major programme Development programme for building stock of resources Supplies in times of emergency Cash-based assistance Any other relevant but significant information While we explore the idea of malnutrition in terms of deficiencies, it is important to note that abundance of food doesn’t necessarily imply good nutrition. Food Sustainability index: Improving nutrition for children under ten years of age in the Asia region Cindy + Kaiwayne
Topic 3 1. Current events update (that is relevant for your topic): Better Retail Better World Strategy from Britain: Over 25 leading firms signed up to the strategy to support SDGs and environmental protection One of the first joint firms agreement with shared goals Focused on tackling plastic waste, responsible sourcing for raw materials, reduce waste to landfills, etc. Taipei expands Plastic Ban In January, forbid 7 more industries to provide free plastic bags Intends to ban plastic use by 2030 2. Positions of key players, countries, and organizations (especially if they have changed) The Netherlands: positive progress in achieving SDGs Lost its position on EU’s list of countries with concerning greenhouse gas emission China: fashion industry becoming increasingly responsible in consumption Companies use sustainable materials Consumers more environmentally aware Anna Topic #3: The question of responsible consumption and disposal of resources.
Topic 3 (Continued) 3. Blocs that may emerge (alliances between the major players) Ethiopia/Somalia/Yemen/Nigeria/South Sudan (Currently experience the same situation-hunger/starvation) U.S.A/China/Brazil/Russia/India/South Africa (Shown previous involvement with the situation at hand) 4. Any other relevant but significant information 10 countries that have achieved great success in reducing the total number of hungry people in proportion to their national population are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Cuba, Georgia, Ghana, Kuwait, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Thailand and Venezuela. Poverty is the principal cause of hunger. Over a quarter of the world's undernourished people live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Almost 1 in 4 people in this region is chronically hungry. Teddy