East Africa facing hunger Sounds of conflict Full lesson plan from redcross.org.uk/education Full lesson plan from redcross.org.uk/education 1
"The sound was horrific. Nothing like what I have heard before "The sound was horrific. Nothing like what I have heard before. I was so scared … I did not know how to comfort [my family].”
Legal or illegal? Shooting at another solider Bombing a dam that serves the local community Forcing civilians from their homes Attacking an evacuated hospital because opposing military forces are inside Recruiting children aged 13 to fight Attacking an ancient monument, like the Pyramids
Slide 2: The quotation is taken from the article “ICRC deplores loss of civilian life in airstrikes on densely populated neighbourhoods of Sana’a” (icrc.org/en/document/yemen-icrc-deplores-loss-civilian-life-airstrikes-densely-populated-neighborhoods-sanaa). This resource and other free educational materials are available at redcross.org.uk/education The British Red Cross Society is a charity registered in England and Wales (220949) and Scotland (SCO37738). 1