How do we work in math lessons?
Maths is taught from 1-12 forms in Lithuania. At 10 grade students must take the compulsory test of mathematical knowledge(achievements). At grades math is compulsory but students have to choose a general or advanced course. School leavers may choose to take a state math exam.
Math topics which are taught at school: 1-4 grades: 1. Numbers and calculations 2. Arithmetic expressions, equations and inequalities 4. Measures and measurements 5. Statistics
5-10 grades 1.Numbers and calculations. 2.Arithmetic expressions, equations and inequalities, systems. 3.Geometry. 4.Measures and measurements. 5.Statistics. 6.Probability theory. 7.Relations and functions.
11-12 grades The mathematical course consists of 8 topics: Real numbers and algebra. Functions, equations and inequalities. Differential calculation. Probability and statistics. Plane geometry. Solid geometry. Vectors.( A level) Integral calculation. (A level)
Number of lessons per week 1-4 grades: 4-5 hours 5-6 grades: 4 hours 7-8 grades: 4 hours 9-10 grades: 3-4 hours grades: 4-5 hours (advanced course) grades: 3 hours (general course)
The concept of active learning The traditional teaching methods were used for a long time as we were timid to change something. The consequence of that were typical and boring lessons. Active teaching methods are the way to achieve a goal. They help teachers to explain the content of a subject in a way that pupils could develop their awareness easily. In this respect, it is not only important the aspect of understanding but also the usage of knowledge.
Our work methods: Group work. Individual work. Interactive work. Working with a wite board. Working in pairs. Creative work. Conceptual map. Integrated lessons, the day of integrated lessons. Class discussions
Interactive work We work with computers. We like it because it is more easy than typing or drawing with your hands and its fun cause we use computers in our daily life, playing games, doing homework, etc. Mathematic lessons are diversified with online activity books which help pupils to practice, take tests and to see the results immediately.
Working with Whiteboard We are working with white boards. Its more fun then learning from books and sometimes we can get more new information then in the books. Also, we can draw on the boards, making them an irreplaceable working method.
Group Work The topic of a lesson is learned working in a group. Pupils are divided into groups, solve the tasks consulting with their friends. The solved tasks are presented for their classmates and a teacher.
Help for a friend: Everybody solves their tasks. When they finish, they can help their classmates.
Integrated Lessons Students are learning math during other lessons, e.g.: IT, biology, music, chemistry, etc.
Individual Work Pupils are working individually : Pupils get the tasks They solve them without teachers help When they finish, they check if they were correct.
Concept Map Each pupil find the key concepts of a topic and try to visualize and reveal the relations between them.
Creative Tasks Applying their artistic and drawing skills students present the solutions of tasks.
Class Discussion A teachers seeks to involve students, using their experience, reading, teaching material, and encourages them to express an opinion about the topic of lesson. Pupils are asked to answer to a teachers questions and give questions themselves to a teacher and other pupils.
The Day of Integrated Math-Art-English- Lithuanian Lessons We went to the school garden and calculated the area and length of a fence, the number of trees and bushes. We used our calculations solving mathematical tasks in groups. We created illustrations for tasks. We translated our works in English and presented it to our classmates.
The Day of Integrated Math-English-Art Lessons
Math Competition Kangaroo During 75 minutes students solve the variety of 30 different tasks. The competition is organized in five age groups: E (Elf) I-II grades T (Tot) III-IV grades B (Buddy) V-VI grades C (Cadet) VII-VIII grades J (Junior) IX-X grades S (Senior) XI-XII grades
Math-English We went to the school yard and solved mathematical tasks in English. Also, we cleaned the yard, collected rubbish and raked the leaves.
After work and tasks we had lunch and then we started to play a mathematical game. The prizes were sweets. After some work and fun we went back to school.