Competition in International Aviation Olivier Jankovec – Director General, ACI EUROPE EP TRAN Hearing Brussels, 22 December 2015
Driving connectivity, consumer COMPETITION: Driving connectivity, consumer & societal Benefits Competition in International Aviation
The External Dimension A NEW FOCUS: The External Dimension Competition in International Aviation
Global Economic Shift Serving the Airport Industry
New Aviation Powers Competition in International Aviation
Aviation: Connectivity, Growth & Jobs Serving the Airport Industry
THE LEVEL PLAYING FIELD: Friend or Foe? Competition in International Aviation
The Playing Field is always unlevelled Geography Competition in International Aviation
The playing field is always unlevelled National policy choices 1. Infrastructure financing Widespread outside Europe. 2. Security financing Widespread outside Europe. 3. Fiscal policy Aviation tax = only in Europe. Competition in International Aviation
The playing field is always unlevelled National policy choices (2) 4. Vertical integration - CAA, national airline & airports - Fully integrated model (UAE) / Semi-integrated model (US) 5. Strategic vision "We are driven to change the course of aviation history" ”…to create World leading airports to enhance the prosperity & global standing of Dubai" The level playing field is a fantasy… …Often hiding a protectionist agenda Competition in International Aviation
What matters Open skies & fair competition Equality of opportunity (not equality of outcomes) Competition in International Aviation
EU Approach: The way forward Competition in International Aviation
Bilaterals & Community Clause Not the way forward “Bilateral thinking” = obstacle to competition - Does not guarantee free access (Open skies = the exception, not the rule) - Airports & other stakeholders not involved Community clause: no uniform interpretation & application for EU AOC Does not leverage EU negotiating clout Competition in International Aviation Serving the Airport Industry
EU Comprehensive Agreements Open Skies - a prerequisite to competition Essential regulatory convergence (safety, security, competition) Competition clause: Universal & Dissuasive Non-discrimination Minimum level of transparency Agreed principles on airline specific/direct subsidy & anti-trust Agreed procedure to address complaints Safeguard measures as last resort Serving the Airport Industry
Time for Holistic, Pragmatic Approach Airport capacity Support for European aviation No aviation taxes Reduce regulatory driven costs Reconsider limits to public financing of infrastructure/security Role of ICAO: towards agreed principles Competition in International Aviation