Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia Taeniasis Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia
Taeniasis Taeniasis is a group of zoonotic diseases. Is common in people who eat meat
Taeniasis The parasite completes the life cycle in two hosts – Definitive host and Intermediate host Parasite Definitive host Intermediate host T saginata Man Cattle T solium Pig E granulosa Dog Sheep and cattle
Head of T solium
Mode of transmission T saginata Eating of inadequately(غير مُلائم) cooked meat T solium Eating of inadequately cooked pork E granulosa By ingestion of eggs present in dog feces
A very long Tape worm
Hydatid worm
Hydatid cysts in Liver
Hydatid cyst
Prevention and control Primary prevention For Taeniasis Cook the meat well before eating Examination of cattle by veterinary doctor before slaughtering(جِزارة) for meat For Echinococcus Improve personal hygiene (عِلْم الصحة) Wash vegetables etc. well before eating Treat dogs
Secondary prevention Early diagnosis and treatment