Urbanization Your Name August 2, 2008
Urbanization Definition: The movement of people from rural to urban areas. 2005: 49% of world’s population lived in urban areas. Urbanization is defined by the United Nations as the movement of people from rural to urban areas. In 2005, 49% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. There are benefits to having a population centered in one urban area, but there are detrimental effects also. United Nations. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2005 Revision, Pop. Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/WUP2005/2005wup.htm
Benefits of Urbanization Reduced expenses from commuting and transportation. New opportunities in jobs, education, and housing. Industrialization creates new jobs and opportunities. Why do people move to urban centers? Reduce expenses from commuting and transportation. New opportunities in jobs, education, and housing. Economic opportunities that cannot be found in rural areas particularly when those in rural areas that are primarily agricultural communities are affected by droughts, floods, or other natural disasters that impact their living. Industrialization creates new jobs and opportunities.
Problems with Urbanization Problems with sanitation, safety, transportation, education, and housing. Not enough police, firemen, or teachers per capita. Sanitation systems (water and sewer) not originally designed for the volume of people they are servicing. Pollution. With great increases in urban population, there come problems with things such as sanitation, safety, transportation, education, and housing. The sanitation systems for water and sewer are taxed with more people than they were originally designed for. Schools become overcrowded without enough teachers per student. There aren’t enough police or fire personnel to meet the needs of the growing population. Providing transportation either with improved roads or public transit is an issue.
1996 Dubai Awards Address problems of human settlement. Recognize accomplishments that have improved urban living. Choose programs with greatest impact on women and children. Formed partnerships. Sustainable. The United Nations held a conference in 1996 to address the problems of human settlement and to recognize accomplishments that have improved urban living. Chose programs that had the greatest impact on the lives of women and children; formed partnerships between local and national governments, community organizations and private interests; resulted in legislation that ensured that the benefits would be sustained and protected. United Nations. United Nations Conference Foreshadows Major Urban Changes. Retrieved August 2, 2008 from http://www.un.org/Conferences/habitat/unchs/press/major.htm
A Women’s Self-help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India Shri Mahila Sewa Sahakari Bank was established for and by poor self-employed women. Provides credit at reasonable rates and empowers the women. Expanded to include insurance and housing programs. The Shri Mahila Sewa Sahakari Bank was established for and by poor self-employed women such as weavers, potters, and service industry workers. The original function of the bank was to empower these women by providing credit to them at reasonable rates for things such as working capital, for working tools, and for housing. As the bank expanded, their programs grew to include insurance and housing programs. This program proved that women, especially poor women, save money, use the loan money in a productive manner, and pay back their loans on time. In addition to perpetuating the movement and providing housing and other amenities for these women, it established certain women’s rights by allowing them to have property in their own name. Additionally, women began to improve the lives of their communities by using the money to improve their basic sanitation and water systems. A Woman’s Self-Help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India: SEWA India. MOST Clearing House Best Practices. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from http://www.unesco.org/most/asia1.htm
Project on Sites and Services for Low-Income Family Groups in Argentina Provided land for a new neighborhood. Included provisions for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, and roads. Physical aspects of the land were taken into consideration. Made improvements as to the way neighborhoods are developed. The Project on Sites and Services for Low-Income Family Groups in Argentina provided land for a new neighborhood outside Buenos Aires, Argentina. The purpose of this project was to develop a new neighborhood in a responsible manner taking into account the physical aspects of the land and amenities that would be needed for a proper standard of living. Among the aspects that were included in the new neighborhood were sanitary sewer, water, electricity, and roads. This project changed the way new neighborhoods would be developed in the future. Project on Sites and Services for Low-Income Family Groups in Argentina. MOST Clearing House Best Practices. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from http://www.unesco.org/most/southam1.htm
References A Woman’s Self-Help Organization for Poverty Alleviation in India: SEWA India. MOST Clearing House Best Practices. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from http://www.unesco.org/most/asia1.htm Project on Sites and Services for Low-Income Family Groups in Argentina. MOST Clearing House Best Practices. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from http://www.unesco.org/most/southam1.htm United Nations. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2005 Revision, Pop. Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN. Retrieved August 2, 2008, from http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/WUP2005/ 2005wup.htm United Nations. United Nations Conference Foreshadows Major Urban Changes. Retrieved August 2, 2008 from http://www.un.org/Conferences/habitat/unchs/press/major.h tm