Researcher Wise Seminar Series #2 Author Identifiers and Researcher Networks Emma Richardson Research Support Services Librarian Date
What do you see when you Google yourself?
Identifying Aggregator Authoring Presentation Sharing What do all these researcher networks and identifiers do for researchers? Networking Websites Tracking Researching Collaborating
ResearcherID & Scopus Author ID ORCiD Owner Web of Science / Thomson Reuters Scopus / Elsevier Independent organisation How to sign up Have to sign up Automatically allocated Merging identifiers No way to merge – keep your ORCiD up to date Multiple IDs need to be merged with ORCiD One identifier to rule them all
Why get an ORCiD? A unique identifier that connects you with your research contributions and affiliations
Why get an ORCiD?
ORCID Joint Statement of Principle “As a matter of principle we: Strongly encourage the use of ORCID iD across the research and science system Commit to support the use of ORCID iD as a common researcher identifier across New Zealand’s research and science system.” Tertiary Education Commission, Health Research Council, MBIE, Royal Society, Universities NZ and other signatories
Ensure your citation metrics are accurate
Single profile in Web of Science Unlike Scopus, there is no author ID in WoS = difficult to merge publications with similar names Thomson Reuters has started an automated system to trawl through ORCID records monthly. The data source for WoS is ORCID, not ResearcherID
Merge your identifiers in Scopus
Which systems are using ORCiD? University Directory (UoA) Research Outputs (UoA)
How do I get an ORCiD?
Where can I use my ORCiD?
108/473 Engineering academic staff have an ORCiD iD Sign up at More information at Contact your Subject Librarians Contact me – Guides available How to get help
Google Scholar Citations
Research Repository and Research Outputs Research Outputs/Research Repository ResearchGate Long term preservation YES NO Business model Not for profit Commercial Sends emails Wants address book Possible copyright infringements Author profiles Yes, list skills and expertise Yes, via job board. Can upload CV Share files All eligible Research Outputs Papers, data, Github Papers, data, patents
Researcher Perspectives/ Questions?