Chapter 15.1: History of Scientific Thought


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 15.1: History of Scientific Thought EQ’s: Which people and places influenced the Scientific Revolution of the 1500s? 2. Why did Europeans begin to question classical scientific knowledge and what did they do about it?

Q1: Rationalism Rationalism = Using reason, or logical thought to understand the world Btw 600 BC – 200 AD, Greek Rationalism responsible for Greeks developing many ideas on how world worked Tried to explain universe in mathematical terms, made advances in plant and animal anatomy, and medicine

Q2: Muslim Scholars In Medieval period Europeans became more interested in religion but Muslims focused on scientific knowledge Muslims focused on classical scientific knowledge, which they later passed to European thinkers

Q3: Jewish Scholars Translated scientific works into Latin Jewish scientist created tool to measure distance between objects in sky Jews helped to keep scientific knowledge alive

Q4: Humanism Renaissance period brought back interest in science Invention of printing press helped spread humanist books on sciences Shared views on Greek, Roman, Muslim, and Jewish science scholarship

Q5: Thomas Aquinas As scientific knowledge spread through Europe as early as the 1200s, conflict arose between Christianity and science Christianity stressed viewing world through faith Scientists emphasized reason Thomas Aquinas tried to show that faith and reason could exist in harmony

Q6: Roots of Scientific Revolution Greek rationalism, medieval Muslim and Jewish scholarship, and humanism all played important parts in the Scientific Revolution 1500s

Q7: Different Opinions As more books became available scholars realized classical thinkers did not always agree As Greek texts became more widely read European thinkers discovered there were different opinions about some important ideas European scholars began questioning classical learning

Q8: Renaissance Spirit and Values As Europeans began questioning classical scientific knowledge the Renaissance spirit of investigation led scholars to make important discoveries during the Scientific Revolution of the 1500s

Q9: Global Exploration During Renaissance Europeans looked for new routes to Asia Voyages increased knowledge of Earth’s shape, size, and weather Exposure to previously unknown lands through global exploration stirred European’s desire to learn more

Summary Write a 12-15 sentence summary answering the EQ’s Remember! The EQ’s were: Which people and places influenced the Scientific Revolution of the 1500s? Why did European’s began to question classical scientific knowledge and what did they do about it?