The Invasion & Liberation of Europe D-Day - June 6, 1944
Day of Deliverance Since the disaster at Dieppe, the Allies had been carefully planning: this time they would be ready The Normandy beaches of northern France were selected as the site of the invasion: Normandy was close to Britain and the invading army, supply ships, and reinforcements would not have far to travel The Allies wanted to keep their plans secret. They wanted to convince the Germans that their target was Pas de Calais, 50 km from the English coast.
Day of Deliverance In the months leading up the invasion, the Allies disguised the actual location by building fake planes, landing craft, and tanks around Pas de Calais In the meantime, they had been bombing up and down the entire French Atlantic coast This would soften the enemy defences
Day of Deliverance A huge Allied army gathered in the south of England: American troops: 1.25 million British troops: around 1.25 million Canadian troops: 30 000 Other Commonwealth forces: ?? Lots! 4000 landing craft, 700 war ships, 11 000 planes
Day of Deliverance The Germans had 60 divisions (about 90,000 men) in northern France and the Netherlands (Holland) The date was originally fixed for June 5, 1944. It was postponed because of bad weather. The invasion began at about 2 am on June 6, 1944
Day of Deliverance Paratroopers were dropped to protect the landing forces and form a “wall” to prevent German enforcements from arriving at the beaches. 75 minutes later, 2000 bombers began to pound the German defenses on the beaches 5:30 am: Air Raids were joined by the guns of the Allied warships 6:30 am: First waves of Canadian, British, and American troops poured onto the beaches of France
Day of Deliverance Canadians landed at Juno Beach (over 15 000) They faced underwater obstacles, land mines, barbed wire, and heavy machine-gun fire from the Germans Americans landed at Omaha Beach and Utah Beach British soldiers landed at Gold Beach and Sword Beach Canadian casualties for the day: 355 killed, 700 wounded
Beny-sur-Mer Canadian Cemetery
From “Saving Private Ryan” This is not the video game you play in the evening. This is someone’s reality, even if that someone has died. You will respect the sacrifice and horror of this day. You will not laugh. This is not funny. TVRVMU1RPT0 Start at 3:50-13:25