Logic Values 0:logic 0 / false 1:logic 1 / true X:unknown logic value Z:high-impedance
Data Types Nets Registers Connects between hardware elements Must be continuously driven by Continuous assignment (assign) Module or gate instantiation (output ports) Default initial value for a wire is “Z” (and for a trireg is “x”) Registers Represent data storage elements Retain value until another value is placed on to them Similar to “variables” in other high level language Different to edge-triggered flip-flop in real ciucuits Do not need clock Default initial value for a reg is “X”
Examples reg a; // a scalar register wand w; // a scalar net of type “wire and” reg [3:0] v; // a 4-bit vector register from msb to lsb reg [7:0] m, n; // two 8-bit registers tri [15:0] busa; // a 16-bit tri-state bus wire [0:31] w1, w2; // Two 32-bit wires with msb being the 0 bit, not recommended
Net Types The most common and important net types wire and tri for standard interconnection wires wire: single driver e.g. output of “and” gate tri: multiple driver e.g. multiplexer
Register Types reg Integer Time real any size, unsigned integet a,b; // declaration 32-bit signed (2’s complement) Time 64-bit unsigned, behaves like a 64-bit reg $display(“At %t, value=%d”,$time,val_now) real real c,d; //declaration 64-bit real number Defaults to an initial value of 0
Numbers Constant numbers are integer or real constants. Integer constants are written as “width ‘radix value” The radix indicates the type of number Decimal (d or D) Hex (h or H) Octal (o or O) Binary (b or B) A number may be sized or unsized
Number Specification (continue) Sized numbers <size>’<base_format><number> <size> is in decimal and specifies the number of bits ‘<base_format> is: ‘d ‘D ‘h ‘H ‘b ‘B ‘o ‘O The <number> digits are 0-f, uppercase may be used Examples: 4’b1111 12’habc 16’d255
Number Specification Unsized numbers – The <size> is not specified (default is simulator/compiler specific, >= 32 bits) Numbers without a base are decimal by default Examples 100 // Decimal 100, 32 bits by default ’h3a // Binary 111010, 32 bits by default ’bx // Binary X, 32 bits by default ’bz // High-Z (impedance), 32 bits by default
Example assign A1 = (3+2) %2; // A1 = 1 assign A2 = 4 >> 1; assign A4 = 1 << 2; // A2 = 2 A4 = 4 assign Ax = (1= =1'bx); //Ax=x assign Bx = (1'bx!=1'bz); //Bx=x assign D0 = (1= =0); //D0=False assign D1 = (1= =1); //D1=True assign E0 = (1= = =1'bx); //E0=False assign E1 = (4'b01xz = = = 4'b01xz);; //E1=True assign F1 = (4'bxxxx = = = 4'bxxxx); //F1= True assign x = a ? b : c //if (a) then x = b else x = c
Concatenation operator // A=1’b1; B=2’b00, C=2’b10; D=3’b110; Y={B, C} //Result Y is 4’b0010 Y={A, B, C, D, 3’b001} //Result Y is 11’b10010110001 Y={A, B[0], C[1]} // Result Y is 3’b101
Replication operator Reg A; Reg [1:0] B, C; Reg [2:0] D; A=1’b1; B=2’b00, C=2’b10; D=3’b110; Y={4{A}} // Result Y is 4’b1111 Y={4{A}, 2{B}} // Result Y is 8’b11110000 Y ={4{A}, 2{B}, C} //Result Y is 8’b1111000010
Example – Multiplexer_1 // Verilog code for Multiplexer implementation using assign // File name: mux1.v // by Harsha Perla for http://electrosofts.com // harsha@electrosofts.com // Available at http://electrosofts.com/verilog module mux1( select, d, q ); input [1:0] select; input [3:0] d; output q; wire q; wire[1:0] select; wire[3:0] d; assign q = d[select]; endmodule
Example – Multiplexer_2 // Verilog code for Multiplexer implementation using always block. // by Harsha Perla for http://electrosofts.com // harsha@electrosofts.com // Available at http://electrosofts.com/verilog module mux2( select, d, q ); input[1:0] select; input[3:0] d; output q; reg q; wire[1:0] select; wire[3:0] d; always @(d or select) q = d[select]; endmodule
Example – Multiplexer_3 module mux4_1 (out, in0, in1, in2, in3, sel) ; output out ; input in0,in1,in2,in3 ; input [1:0] sel ; assign out = (sel == 2'b00) ? in0 : (sel == 2'b01) ? in1 : (sel == 2'b10) ? in2 : (sel == 2'b11) ? in3 : 1'bx ; endmodule
Homework 2 Design an 1-to-8 Demultiplexer