A Novel Fault Current Limiter Czech-Israeli Workshop May 1, 2011 Dima Lansberg dima@GridON.com www.GridON.com
Introduction Novel Fault Current Limiter (FCL) platform – patentable, 3rd generation technology; exclusively licensed from Bar-Ilan University and Ricor Ltd Technology innovation – the FCL technology has been developed over the past eight years by a team of scientists with extensive experience in electricity, mathematics, physics, magnetic and superconductivity Strategic partnership – GridON is working with Wilson Transformer Company, a shareholder and manufacturing partner Strong market recognition – Selected to provide FCL solution for a major European utility Received GE ecomagination innovation award (out of 4,000 contenders) Received the ACES 2011 European award 2 2
The problem Increasing power generation from conventional and alternative energy sources Increasing power supply on interconnected network Short-circuit current rise with the increase of power supply; causing power supply disruptions, equipment damage and major outages 3
The solution Fault Current Limiters (FCL) to control prospective fault current at full range of voltage/current ratings on distribution and transmission grids 4 4
Typical implementation Transmission and distribution grids Generation stations and alternative energy feeders Industrial plants with high power consumption Common implementations are Bus-tie and Feeder connections SCENET (2001) 5
Novel single core concept Inductive system providing variable impedance DC-bias keeps the core fully saturated, providing very low impedance during normal operation Fault current yielding high AC magnetic flux counter to the DC-bias flux; pushing the core out of saturation (1-2ms) and increasing the FCL impedance Impedance increases (non-linearly) up to 5-6 times Tunable DC-biasing allows for current regulation during normal operation Superconducting (HTS) free device, using standard transformer technology Compact, single-core, single-phase and 3-phase systems 1st half cycle left leg de-saturated 2nd half cycle right leg de-saturated 6
Unique performance Variable impedance for Current Limiting and Current Tuning Performance Can scale up to very high voltage (transformer ratings) Instantaneous passive reaction (1-2ms) Unlimited holding time of limited-current Zero-time recovery (1-2ms) Robustness Fail-safe device, not using any switching or electronics Simple, low technology-risk design (standard transformer technology and life expectancy) Optional DC-bias saturation methods No auxiliary equipment other than standard DC power-supply Advanced FCL monitoring (Dynamic Ratings’ DRMCC) Remote monitoring of voltage, phase currents, temperature and alarms Recording of short circuit events including voltage/current traces 7 7 7
ROI Extending equipment life and reducing capital expenditure Few FCLs can save millions to tens of millions of dollars required for a typical substation upgrade (switchgear, breakers, reactors, transformers, etc.) Enabling cost-effective design of new substations Enabling network connectivity and power expansion Increasing power generation from conventional and renewable energy sources Much better solution than lossy series reactors which operate constantly with high inductance Beyond limiting, the FCL provides current-tuning during normal operation Improving grid reliability and power quality 8
Thank You 9 9