Chapter 2, Section 1: Europeans Set Sail pg. 38 Directions for notes: 1. Always copy the title of the section and page# Chapter 2, Section 1: Europeans Set Sail pg. 38
Directions for notes: 2. Copy the “Big Idea” of the section. The Big Idea: Europeans explored the world, searching for new lands and new trade routes.
3. Copy the Blue Topic Title, “Viking Sailors Reach North America” 4. Copy the Main Idea that goes with the topic: Vikings were skilled sailors, and they were the first Europeans to reach North America.
Now listen to the reader and look for the important information that goes with this main idea. What Countries are the Vikings from? Denmark Norway Sweden
What is different about their long- ships? Long-ships curved up at both ends = more stable. What were their goals? Goals: Raiding and creating trade networks
Erik the Red? Left Iceland to settle Greenland Leif Eriksson? 1000- Discovered North America
What happened to Vinland? Vikings abandoned it because of Native American attacks.
5. Copy the Blue Topic Title, “Prince Henry the Navigator” 6. Copy the Main Idea that goes with the topic: 1400s: Prince Henry the Navigator established a school for sailors and provided financial support that enabled the Portuguese to start exploring the oceans.
Portugal What Country is Prince Henry from? Now listen to the reader and look for the important information that goes with this main idea. What Country is Prince Henry from? Portugal
Sagres, Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator established a school for sailors and an observatory here. He also funded map- makers and paid for expeditions. Today it is a museum. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
This is a map of the world as they knew it- you can stand on it and find North America.
7. Copy the Red Sub Topic Title, “Riches in Asia” This section will give you more information about WHY Prince Henry would spend so much money and resources to go to Asia. Look for important details while it is read aloud to you….
Riches in Asia Spices- Very valuable, high demand. New route means bypassing other merchants’ (Italians) monopoly on trade.
Riches in Asia Religion- Convert people to Christianity Culture- Learn about Asian culture Marco Polo started the Asian Culture craze Gunpowder, Algebra, navigation tools
“History Close-Up” pg. 39 Analyzing Visuals: What 3 features made the caravel an excellent sailing ship? Smooth, round hull handled high seas well. Large center rudder made quick turns possible. Triangular sails made sailing into the wind easier and faster.
“History Close-Up” pg. 39 Smooth-sailing Quick-turn. Faster. So what 3 REMINDER WORDS would you us to describe a caravel? Smooth-sailing Quick-turn. Faster. How might this give the Portuguese explorers and traders an advantage over others?
8. Copy the Red Sub Topic Title, “Technological Advances” Look for important details while it is read aloud to you….
Technological advances A device that enabled navigators to learn their ship’s location by charting the position of the stars Astrolabe This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Technological advances Caravels Smaller, lighter, easier to steer This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
9. Copy the Blue Topic Title, “Sea Route to Asia” 10. Copy the Main Idea that goes with the topic: Portuguese sailors sailed around Africa and found a sea route to Asia 11. And the Red Sub Topic Title, “Rounding Africa”
Rounding Africa Bartolomeu Dias Vasco Da Gama Made it to India! Cape of Good Hope, Africa Hope you make it around the tip of Africa-it’s dangerous! Vasco Da Gama Made it to India! People speak Portuguese here!? Muslim & Italian traders got here first-they knew Portuguese.
What are the 5 causes that push people to look for the new routes? What 3 things happen as a result of going out to search for these routes?
Now listen for the important details in each paragraph 13. Copy the Red Sub Topic Title, “Results of Exploration” Now listen for the important details in each paragraph You are looking for a chain of events, one thing leading to another and another…
Results of exploration This caused warfare among tribes and broke up families. Slaves were sent to Europe and to islands in the Atlantic. As Portuguese sailors explored the west coast of Africa, they negotiated for gold, ivory, and slaves.
Results of exploration Other European countries saw Portugal getting rich and launched their own voyages of exploration.