Learning Circles Network Organisation NVL Work in Progress Fifth Nordic Conference on Adult Learning Reykjavik March 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Circles Network Organisation NVL Work in Progress Fifth Nordic Conference on Adult Learning Reykjavik March 2013

Background Work in NVL Network on Adult Education: Development project: Innovative Learning Processes in Practice Nordic network seminar two recommendations: 1. a mapping of formal competence requirements and education opportunities for adult educators – was carried out by NCK in cooperation with NVL 2. Explore the opportunities for a Nordic Master – not basis for a Nordic Master 3. Explore the opportunities for Nordic courses with a set of in NVL Networks – only little interest Still operators in the field of adult education express an interest in cross-national and – sectoral further training activities at a Nordic level

Inspiration - Learning circles Mälardalens University– in service training in municipalities through research circles ( NVL, research network, Pirjo Lahdenperä) OSSAVA (capable) – Finnish Government-funded Professionel Development System for Education Personnel (the Mapping, Jouni Kangasniemi) Adult Education center Northern Jutland – Continuing Competencedevelopment of staff (NVL Network. Peter Müller, research / evaluation NCK, Bjarne Wahlgren) NVL Network on network organisation - Innovation conference Cooperative learning project – reflection and supervision Medborgarskolan (studieförbund) Medspråk learning Swedish language and exchange of daily life experiences. ( Carl Johan Öest)

Different kinds of circles Research circles – close relation between researcher and practitioners.(MälardalenUniversity) a discussion if it is research, research association, developmental projects (Persson) Learning circles – with or without a circle leader (Adult Education Northern Jutland) Learning circles as a part of non-formal learning (Medspråk)

Knowledge and learning perspectives Trust in participants knowledge and expertise Bottom up – the content and definition of problems are formulated by participants Set of in daily practice – working life – purpose to improve quality Knowledge and experience sharing - cross sectors and professions Dialogue Try out new options in own work, daily life Systematic critical and analysing reflections

Arguments Create a continous structure for competence development within regions, workplaces (all) School and workplace development (Persson) Top down approaches do not work (all) Experienced low transfer between formal education and practice ( Müller, Kangasniemi) Teachers do not read school research remains decontextualised (Persson)

Example CPD boosting programme for Educational Staff, OSAAVA Making flexible learning paths and lifelong learning for teachers a reality Improving the quality and effectivenss of state-funded professional development of teachers Promoting equity, inclusion and active participation in teacher's continuing professional development Enhancing innovative professional development practices a.k.a flexible learning models (incl. use of ict) for personnel development Improving networking and collaboration between providers of education and institutes providing continuing professional development services Jouni Kangasniemi, 2010

NVL Network for Adult Education suggested tasks Explore and describe different kinds of learning circles as a method for competence development of adult educators Describe, conduct and evaluate pilot projects using learing circles for adult educators Defined themes : innovation, learning entrepreneurship – heteregenous, diverse groups

Working Method Use NVL thematic research circles as a feedback group – help defining relevant tasks, evaluationdesign etc. Network with practicians Two circles – Islands in the Baltic Sea and Diversity-, learning and entrepreneurship

Questions What could be interesting and relevant perspectives for an NVL development project on Nordic learning circles? Is it possible to organize learning circles at a Nordic level and still keep close practice relation? How to improve research in this field?