Situation Ethics - Revision Learning Objectives Know the 10 principles Explain the Bible passages which support Situation Ethics Explain the ways Situation Ethics is not compatible with Christianity
Odd one out Conseqentialist/Teleological/deontological Antinomianism/No rule ethics/Legalism Agape/Love/Happiness Agape Calculus/Hedonic Calculus/Precepts Positivism/Personalism/Justice is love distributed
The 10 Principles They are how we figure out what to do in a given moral situation. Complete the missing words on page 1 and 2 A past question has focussed solely on these 10 principles, so you do need to know them thoroughly.
The 10 Principles Summary Only love is intrinsically good The ruling norm is love Love and justice are the same Love wills the good of neighbour A loving end justifies the means Love’s decisions are made situationally not prescriptively
Bible Passages John 15v13 Galatians 5v14 Mark 2v27 John 5v1-16 Luke 6v27
Compatibility or incompatibility with Christianity You can already figure out ways in which Situation Ethics IS compatible Yet it isn’t because: God is removed as the source of authority Pope Pius XII rejected it as being opposed to natural law Pope Benedict XVI rejected relativism as being the height of one’s ego Rejects absolute Divine Command ethics Ignores the teaching of religious authority Attitudes to sex and sexuality
AO2 Strengths and weaknesses of Situation Ethics Does ‘agape’ provide an adequate basis for moral decision-making? Could the principles of Situation Ethics promote injustice and /or morally wrong behaviour? To what extent can Situation Ethics as a relativistic and teleological theory work in today’s society? How far is Situation Ethics compatible with a religious approach to moral decision making?