Grade-level and Competency Portfolios for 2014 MCAS-Alt Heather Vigorito Accommodations and Competency Portfolio Specialist
Who Should Be Considered for “Grade-level” and “Competency” Portfolios? Any student with a disability who: performs classroom work at or near grade-level expectations, but cannot fully demonstrate grade-level knowledge and skills on the MCAS test in that grade and subject is attempting to earn a score of Needs Improvement or higher Some examples of significant disabilities that could be appropriate for consideration: physical, emotional/behavioral, health-related, deaf or blind, deaf-blind, CP, mild autism, or mild intellectual 2 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
What is a “Grade-Level Portfolio?” Educator’s Manual, pp. 20-21 What is a “Grade-Level Portfolio?” (Grades 3-8) Collection of work produced at grade-level complexity by a student who cannot show what they know on an MCAS test IEP team determines how student participates in MCAS Work samples must address a total of nine (9) standards for each subject required for the student’s grade. Multiple work samples must be included for each standard. Together, the work samples must demonstrate all aspects of the standard (i.e., not just one skill). Refer to Educator’s Manual for requirements for ELA, Math, and STE. Work will be scored by grade-level content experts. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Changes in Grade Level Portfolios for the 2013-2014 School Year Data charts are no longer required. Work samples for English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics portfolios must be based on the 2013 Resource Guide Work samples for Science and Technology/ Engineering (STE) portfolios must be based on the 2006 Resource Guide Use the new Work Description label (p. 80) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
“Competency Portfolio?” Educator’s Manual, pp. 22-29 What is a High School “Competency Portfolio?” A collection of work samples that allows a high school student with a disability to attempt to meet the MCAS graduation requirements and be eligible to receive a high school diploma. Work samples must meet requirements described in the 2014 Educator’s Manual for MCAS-Alt (and on MCAS Appeals web page). No data charts are required Work may be cumulative, beginning as early as grade 9. Portfolios are reviewed by high school content experts who provide detailed feedback after their review (Feedback Forms). Portfolio may be submitted multiple times with additional work samples, if initial submission received a score of Failing and the student wishes to continue working towards a score of Needs Improvement or higher. Otherwise, MCAS-Alt is not required after grade 10. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Meeting Graduation Requirements Educator’s Manual, p. 23 Meeting Graduation Requirements Students must meet state and local graduation requirements to earn a diploma. More than 250 high school students have met the Competency Determination (CD) requirement by earning a score of Needs Improvement or higher on an MCAS-Alt competency portfolio. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Required to Earn a CD through the Competency Portfolio To earn a score of Needs Improvement or above: Work documenting all required standards must be submitted. Work must demonstrate knowledge of all aspects of the required standards. Work must be completed independently (i.e., above 75% independent) Work must be equivalent to that of a student who scored Needs Improvement on MCAS test. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
How Should Schools Approach the Task of Compiling a Competency Portfolio? Determine students for whom a competency portfolio would be appropriate. Become familiar with submission requirements. Identify potential resources and staff to assist you. E.g., content area teachers, curriculum frameworks Sample portfolio samples posted to MCAS-Alt and Appeals web pages Instruct student based on standards required for the portfolio and collect samples of student’s work. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
ELA Competency Portfolio Five essays on required topics Outline, rough draft, revisions by student, additional draft(s) Final draft Student work must be based on grade-appropriate (high school) literature. Student must respond to the assignment. No plot summaries or “book reports” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mathematics Competency Portfolio Total of 14 mathematics learning standards must be addressed (all aspects of each standard). All student work must be shown (i.e., the answer alone isn’t enough—must show thought process) Work must demonstrate grade 10 level of complexity Correct responses must be given for at least 4 problems, and together all work samples for a given standard must demonstrate understanding of all aspects of the learning standard. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Science and Tech/Engineering Competency Portfolio All topics in the discipline must be included. At least one standard in each topic, 10 standards in all Student must show all work. Work must demonstrate grade 10 level of complexity. Responses must be accurate, and completed independently. Together all work samples for a given standard must demonstrate understanding of all aspects of the learning standard. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Also consider MCAS Retests, if possible MCAS retests are an additional option for meeting the CD standard. Students who previously took one or more standard MCAS tests should also consider taking retests, even if submitting competency portfolios (okay to do both after grade 10). Students may also pursue an MCAS Performance Appeal. Either a “Cohort Appeal” or “Portfolio Appeal,” depending on whether a cohort exists. See Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Resources 2014 MCAS-Alt Educator’s Manual Grade-level and Competency Portfolio Requirements (Pp. 20-30) Work Description Labels (Pp. 80-85, and in MCAS-Alt Forms and Graphs) Feedback Forms for previously-submitted portfolios Portfolio samples that scored Needs Improvement posted to MCAS-Alt and MCAS Appeals web pages Math, ELA, and STE staff in your school/district can: check that portfolio evidence is matched to specific standards assist in adapting activities, as needed, for individual learners plan and/or conduct instructional activities Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Contact Information MA Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education Student Assessment Office – 781-338-3625 Dan Wiener – Heather Vigorito – MCAS-Alt Website – Measured Progress MCAS Service Center – 800-737-5103 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education