Chesapeake Bay and Ships A small part of the Universe A Big part of our Lives
Navigation Recreational Boating Commercial Fishing Commercial Shipping Military 11/16/2018
CHESAPEAKE BAY Average depth is 40 feet 11/16/2018
Early Chesapeake Bay Shipping Steamboat (1813) American Colonial fighting ships 11/16/2018
1862 - Battle of Hampton Roads CSS Virginia Confederate (Ironclad warship) USS Monitor Union (Ironclad warship) 11/16/2018
Militarily Strategic Naval battles occurred in the Chesapeake Bay during the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and the Civil War 11/16/2018
Commercial Shipping Container ships leave and enter ports in Hampton, Portsmouth, Newport News and Norfolk daily. Hampton Roads ranks 2nd in U.S. for metric tons of exports. 11/16/2018
US Coast Guard The US Coast Guard protects our Coastal and Inland waters from smugglers and Drug dealers. They also rescue people, ships and boats that are in distress. 11/16/2018
Fishing Boats Fishing and the harvesting of marine crustaceans is a major source of food and revenue for the local economy 11/16/2018
Sailing on Chesapeake Bay The recreational use of the Bay brings millions of dollars to the local economy annually 11/16/2018
Home Port for the US Navy The headquarters for the US Atlantic fleet is at Naval Station Norfolk, VA 11/16/2018
Home Port for the US Navy Thousand of military personnel call Hampton Roads on the Chesapeake Bay their “Home Port” Home Port for the US Navy 11/16/2018
Hover Craft Hover Craft are extensively used in Europe, but are not widely used by the US military. They are rarely seen on the Chesapeake Bay. 11/16/2018
Aircraft Carriers Protect our Shores 11/16/2018
The Mouth of the Chesapeake Bay The Chesapeake Bay is the largest bay in the United States 11/16/2018
Channel Depth Chesapeake Channel ~ 15-25m deep Thimble Shoal Channel ~ 15-25m deep Chesapeake Channel ~ 15-25m deep 11/16/2018
The End Created By: Phyllis Butler 11/16/2018