Ohio Deans Compact Overview CEEDAR Webinar June 21, 2018
Compact Mission Improving the capacity of teacher education, educational leadership, and related services personnel preparation programs in Ohio to better prepare educators to effectively teach and support every child through collaborative inquiry, meaningful partnership, and collective action.
Responding to the Need for: Preparation programs that prepare educators to more effectively teach and support every child (i.e., inclusive programs). Authentic partnerships between P12 and higher ed; shared ownership for preparation and ongoing development. A forum for collaborative inquiry and collective action (among IHEs and between IHEs and districts, professional associations, state leaders, others) to change the system. Eliminate silos Envision and support inclusive models of preparation through incentive grants to IHEs Broaden notion of inclusiveness beyond GE-SE conversation Incentivize Ohio IHE program redesign, leading to inclusive teacher education and education leadership models of preparation
Compact Structures 30-member group – meets quarterly Core Team meets at least quarterly and includes ODE, ODHE, the Compact Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Webmaster, Director, staff Standing Committees: Dissemination Low Incidence Policy Impact Evaluation
Compact Structures Linkages to major higher ed and P12 groups (e.g., SUED, OAPCTE, OCPEA, OEA, OFT, OAESA, OASSA, BASA, OLAC) Community of Practice (CoP) for funded IHEs and quarterly facilitated meetings, quarterly calls, annual sharing at conference, and as-needed action forums CEEDAR Center connections
Two Quick Examples that Illustrate the Work
Incentive Grant Program Developing inclusive models of teacher preparation leading to dual licensure in GE and SE Simultaneous renewal Low incidence sensory disability collaborative initiatives Course redesign or overhaul of existing education leadership preparation programs
TVI Consortium: A Component of the LISD Shawnee State University (lead) Bowling Green State University Mount Vernon Nazarene University Univ. of Rio Grande Youngstown State University Multi-institutional Four Semester Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program Hybrid Delivery Online Field Requirements Service Agreement Cohort Model
Lessons Learned Shift from a focus on “inclusion” to a focus on inclusivity/inclusive practice to move the conversation beyond a SE-GE dichotomy Involve both ODE and ODHE Target deans-level membership Incentivize the development of redesigned preparation programs that align with the focus Build a coalition to reinforce the mission/focus of the work (national experts, connections to key partner groups in and outside of Ohio, via quarterly meetings and conference) Establish/use structures that allow members, incentive grantees, others to learn from each other, and learn as a collective Structure regular meetings to support engagement, decision-making, networking, and discussion/dialogue, and extend learning to the wider community
DISCLAIMER This content was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Award No. H325A120003. Bonnie Jones and David Guardino serve as the project officers. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or polices of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned in this website is intended or should be inferred.