Chapter 6 Cognitive Developmental Approaches
Piaget Schemes - plans and strategies to solve problems Adults have tons of them… Kids are learning and adding more and more. assimilation - use existing schemes Accommodation - adjust or make new ones
Think of assimilation and accommodation as file folders Think of assimilation and accommodation as file folders. As you learn, you put information in folders. If you learn a new thing related to something you already know, you put it in the file with the related information. If you encounter new information, you must create a new folder. We are constantly reorganizing the information in our folders.
when we have disagreement (cognitive conflict or disequalibrium) - such as when we encounter inconsistencies or counterexamples, we must adjust our old schemes and reorganize our information.
Qualitative difference = the way we think is different Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 years) (don’t spend much time on the details of this section. Just remember that this is when we are making sense of the world and beginning to understand what we sense and how to move about.
Object Permanence - understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight. (go to page 190 and “restart there” at proportional stage) Egocentrism Animism The “why” stage centration conservation Get a small child to try to say “gift certificate” - record it!
Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 years) Seriation logical but concrete Ed Psych - what should we learn when? Formal Operational Stage (11-15) - ability to think differently - about abstract things - more logical - begin to do ‘hypothetical-deductive reasoning’ = have a hypothesis and reason or conclude how to best solve the problem.
Adolescent Egocentrism - heightened self-consciousness Adolescent Egocentrism - heightened self-consciousness. Sense of uniqueness and invincibility. (Imaginary audience - belief that others are interested in them) (Personal fable - no one can understand how they really feel) Invincibility is linked to risky behavior. Personal fable is connected to depression and suicidal thoughts. Pay attention to the invulnerability information on page 196.
Education & Piaget Take a constructivist approach - active and seeking solutions for themselves Facilitate vs. direct learning Consider the child’s knowledge and level of thinking Promote the student’s intellectual health - don’t push kids too hard. Learning should be natural Exploration and discovery in the classroom
Vygotsky ZPD Scaffolding {I do, We do, You do} Language used to learn, guide, & monitor - Private Speech Piaget - - - Individual Vygotsky - - - Collaboration