Living Out Our Worship Week Three
What do Christians do?
What do Christians do?
What do Christians do?
What do Christians do?
What do Christians do? What is the relationship between mission and worship?
What do Christians do? What is the relationship between mission and worship? Luke 10:38–42, Mary and Martha, worship and service
What do Christians do? What is the relationship between mission and worship? Luke 10:38–42, Mary and Martha, worship and service Delight, Encourage, Serve. Are these things related?
Class Overview I. Foundations II. Practices Worship means Ascribing Worth Worship involves Bodily Presence Worship involves the Symbolic Worship shapes how People live II. Practices Gathering Singing Communion Prayer Confession Scripture Reading
Class Overview Please note what we will not be talking about in this class: How we should or should not change what we do in our worship.
Class Overview Please note what we will not be talking about in this class: How we should or should not change what we do in our worship. This is a class about how we should practice Christ-centered living in our daily lives in light of what we do here on Sundays.
“In the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” David Foster Wallace
Worship Involves Our Bodies Worship is not only about the inner disposition of our hearts. It involves our bodies. “Christianity is an affair of things, of bread and wine, of water, and of oil, and its beliefs are anchored in things and the actions that accompany their use.” (Robert Wilken)
What is worship for?
What is worship for? Worship speaks in the language of symbol.
Symbol Symbols communicate more than simple words.
Symbol Symbols communicate more than simple words. What are the most important things that you own? Photographs, Childhood drawings, Wedding rings.
Symbol Symbols communicate more than simple words. What are the most important things that you own? Photographs, Childhood drawings, Wedding rings. What’s a better gift: a vacuum cleaner or a dozen roses?
Symbol We use symbols when words are not enough to express our meaning.
Symbol We use symbols when words are not enough to express our meaning. The symbolic is more, not less, than our present reality.
Symbol We use symbols when words are not enough to express our meaning. The symbolic is more, not less, than our present reality. Symbols are often excessive and extravagant, not practical John 12:1–8, Mary anoints Jesus with precious nard.
Symbol Worship speaks in the language of symbol. Offerings and Sacrifice in the Old Testament
Symbol Worship speaks in the language of symbol. Offerings and Sacrifice in the Old Testament The Temple of Israel
Symbol Worship speaks in the language of symbol. Offerings and Sacrifice in the Old Testament The Temple of Israel Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Anglo-Saxon Riddle 57 I saw in the hall men behold a golden ring with clever minds,in wise spirits. He who turned the ring asked saving God for peace in his soul. The ring spoke after [this] speech to the congregation named the Savior of those who do good. To them, bright into memory, the name of his Lord [it] brought, [though] dumb, and into the sight of their eyes, if [they] this noblest token of gold were able to understand and the Lord’s wounds, to do just as this ring’s wounds said. Nor can the prayer of any man unfulfilled, his soul seek God’s royal city, the fortress of heaven. Explain he who will how the wondrous wounds of the ring spoke to men that in the hall was turned over and passed ‘round by exultant hands.
Tassilo Chalice, 8th Century
What is Worship for? We gather for worship not to learn something Though it is good if we do learn.
What is Worship for? We gather for worship not to learn something Though it is good if we do learn We gather not to experience an emotion Though we often will feel emotions in worship, this is not why we worship.
What is Worship for? We gather for worship not to learn something Though it is good if we do learn We gather not to experience an emotion Though we often will feel emotions in worship, this is not why we worship. We gather in worship not to accomplish something, but simply to worship. It is an end in itself.