Lesson 61 Changing Positions Day 3 SCIE_2_A_Les61Day3ChangingPositions_MAT 2014 CFISD
What makes the wagon start to move? Engage 1 What makes the wagon start to move?
Take a ball and with a partner, Explore 1 Take a ball and with a partner, Give it a little push… Give it a hard push… Record what happens I gave the ball a light push and it ______________. I gave the ball a hard push and it ______________.
something start to move. Explain 1 A push or pull can make something start to move.
When an object is moving, it is in motion. Explain 2 When an object is moving, it is in motion. When an object is moving, it is in motion. This horse is in motion. It pushed off the ground to jump. This train is in motion. The engine pulls the cars. When a bowling ball knocks pins over, the ball and the pins move. The ball and pins are in motion.
Motion is not always the same. Explain 3 Motion is not always the same. Motion is not always the same. When you kick a ball, you use force to move it. If you kick the ball harder, it can go farther. The ball can also go faster. That’s because you are pushing harder.
If you use more force, the ball moves more. It moves farther and Explain 4 If you use more force, the ball moves more. It moves farther and it moves faster. That’s because you are pushing harder. If you use less force, the ball moves less. It moves a little and it moves slowly.
If the skater uses more force, the wheels turn faster. Explain 5 If the skater uses less force, the wheels move slowly and the skater moves slower. If the skater uses more force, the wheels turn faster. The skater moves quickly.
The golfer uses a small force to tap a ball into the hole. Explain 6 The golfer uses a small force to tap a ball into the hole. The golfer uses a lot of force to hit a ball out of the sand trap.
These skiers use a little force and move slowly. Explain 7 These skiers use a little force and move slowly. These skiers use a lot of force and move fast.
AMOUNT OF FORCE YELLOW BLACK BLUE RED Push a color counter and try to Elaborate 1 Push a color counter and try to get in all inside the red space. In which color space did you need more force? less force? Push a color counter and try to get it all inside the yellow space. YELLOW BLACK BLUE RED S T A R T