What are they doing? What are we doing? How do we move forward? ELC updates and open forum discussion on how to advance our SIG-CE and clinical education within Michigan Ashley Van DaM, PT, DPT, SCCE MPTA SIG-CE - April, 2018
*Please see note pages for brief notes on group discussion points (These will be bolded vs. my notes for the presentation that were left for anyone who was not able to attend) ** Don’t forget about the DACEF and WMCEF follow-up items for our October Meeting! Educational Topic: Tools WMCEF: Clinical Reasoning tools DACEF: Professional Behavior tools
ELC Updates 2017 ELC “Buzz Words” : Collaboration, Innovation, IPE ,Partnerships, Our Future, Clinical Reasoning, Simulation, FUTURE Drove me to ask the question – what are we doing to contribute to each others growth and what are doing compared to others in our nation?
What are THEY Doing? https://www.nynjclined.com/ Multiple presenters at the last to ELC conferences Active consortium Not….”let’s get that web page!” But what is the content/culture of what they are presenting?
NYNJ Clinical education consortium “Start at student program at your facility” https://www.nynjclined.com/ccce-resources Preparing CIs Orientation Materials CCCE Administrative Responsibilities “Become a clinical instructor” https://www.nynjclined.com/ci-resources APTA CPI Web Writing Objectives Literature and Other Resources
NYNJ Clinical education consortium
What are THEY Doing? https://www.okptce.com/
Ohio-Kentucky consortium of Clinical education Consortium Placement Calendar https://www.okptce.com/consortium-placement-calendar Tips for Clinical Reasoning https://www.okptce.com/tips-for-cis-and-ccces Research https://www.okptce.com/research Clinician to Clinician Mentoring Network https://www.okptce.com/clinician-to-clinician-mentoring-network Calendar – do we like that? Who would make it?? All on one? (PT, PTA) Early CIs – quick handout Resarch – could we do this differently? Academic needs? Clinical desires? Helping to bridge the gap? Link to other APTA committees
Ohio-Kentucky consortium of Clinical education “Clinician to Clinician Mentoring via Annual Workshop” 6 CEUs $50 cost CI-CCCE-DCE Presenters Presentation + Roundtables CI/CCCE perspectives on a purposeful clinical placement process CCCE/CI Mentoring opportunities before, during and after clinical experiences Tips for maximizing the early learning experience in the clinic
Ohio-Kentucky consortium of Clinical education 25% response rate 9 months post (17) – 10 CCCEs, 3 DCEs/academic faculty, 2 CIs and 2 program managers 97% networked during the course 57% after 87% of those a few times Apke, T; Siles, A; Howman, J, et al. Mentoring through Networking: An Innovative and Participatory Model of Empowering Clinical Educators to Advance Student Clinical Reasoning. ELC 2017
What are we doing? https://mpta.com/special-interest-groups/sigs.cfm?sig=MPTCEC We are linked to the MPTA website – THAT’S AWESOME! (Networking, advocation for membership, etc.) Easy to see upcoming events Using links help to only update one area!
Let’s discuss and identify what we want and need! How do we move forward? Let’s discuss and identify what we want and need! What from the other groups did you like and would want to see utilized by our group? KEY POINT: This is not about copying what other’s are doing, but identifying areas for opportunity for US! Group discussion: Liked research posts – question of how best to pair those that want to do research with programs to assist in the process. Reminder to check ACAPT for a consultant on a particular area – can we use this template for our needs? Clinician to Clinician mentoring Professionalism – specifically the Professional Behaviors Assessment
How do we move forward? SCCE’s and CI’s – What gaps do you feel that you have in your own program? Student packets – specifically: Objectives – MEANINGFUL objectives! Weekly break-down. Can programs assist with this? Housing resources – any other programs have good ideas? Group Discussion: Can we post resources from other clinics/programs that are doing this well to share amongst the group?
How do we move forward? Academic Facility - What are the areas for opportunity in the clinic based on feedback from students? Orientation SCCE communication Timeline Group Discussion: MPTA - Use conferences as a platform, possible get a table? Effective Feedback Expectations Caseloads Documentation Complexity
How do we move forward? WMCEF and DACEF – Identify some academic and clinical programs with tools and/or strengths that we can share! I appreciate digital versions so that I can forward them and have record of that! Timeliness of communication – and communication either way (filled or not!) Websites – please make it easy to find your clinical education info! MFB: https://www.maryfreebed.com/about-us/therapy-students/ - You guys rock!
Moving forward 3 Next Steps for SIG-CE Educational topic of interest Leadership task WMCEF and DACEF tasks Group Discussion: Educational Topic: Tools - WMCEF: Clinical Reasoning tools; DACEF: Professional Behaviors Leadership Task: Compile notes – send out As above in #1
Resources New Your New Jersey Clinical education Consortium: https://www.nynjclined.com/ Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Clinical Education: https://www.okptce.com/ Apke, T., Siles, A., Howman, J., Gallivan, S., Rice, B. and Thomas, E. (2017). Mentoring through Networking: An Innovative and Participatory Model of Empowering Clinical Educators to Advance Student Clinical Reasoning. MPTA Special Interest Group for Clinical Education: https://mpta.com/special-interest-groups/sigs.cfm?sig=MPTCEC