Root: cred- meaning “believe” Unit #6, Word Parts Credible Root: cred- meaning “believe” Derivatives: Credit Incredible Slang: “street cred”
Unit #6, Word Parts Impoverished Root Word: “poor” Other Derivative: Poverty
Prefix: post- meaning “after” Unit #6, Word Parts Posthumous Prefix: post- meaning “after” Other Derivatives: Post Game Postmortem
Prefix: super- meaning “above” Unit #6, Word Parts Superfluous Prefix: super- meaning “above” Derivatives: Superman Superscript
Prefix: super- meaning “above” Unit #6, Word Parts Superfluous Prefix: super- meaning “above” Derivatives: Superman Superscript
Root: cess- meaning “stop” Unit #6, Word Parts Incessant Root: cess- meaning “stop” “Cease” Derivatives: cessation
Vocabulary #6 Images & definitions
Diligent This painting is called “The Diligent Ape”
Diligent Studying diligently A diligent runner
Diligent Not diligent Diligent What does diligent mean?
Defray The word defray means… Sponsors help defray the cost of having a carnival The word defray means…
Doleful These individuals are doleful. What does doleful mean? Not Doleful Doleful What does doleful mean?
Based on the context, define atone. I have wronged my friend, so I will do something nice to atone for my mistake. Based on the context, define atone.
Ghastly In this film, you are likely to see something ghastly. Probably nothing ghastly in this film. What does ghastly mean?
Hew What does it mean to hew something? Hewing out a canoe Hewing down a tree What does it mean to hew something?
Impoverished What does impoverished mean? One of these is impoverished, the other is not. What does impoverished mean?
Posthumous Define posthumous. After she died, Emily Dickinson’s family published most of her poems. The poems we read today were published posthumously. Define posthumous.
Incessant What does it mean to be incessant?
Intricate An intricate design An intricate formula
Intricate What does intricate mean?
The natural pull between two objects. Lucid Explain Gravity Not Lucid: A depression in the fabric of space-time causing an attraction between objects with a force determined by the relative size of each object. Lucid: The natural pull between two objects. Define lucid:
Prim Prim Not Prim Prim What does it mean to be prim?
Supplant One technology will often supplant another. Define Supplant
Tenacious Define tenacious This dog is tenacious. Krazy Glue gives a tenacious grip…
The prefix “in” means “not”. Credible Roots and Affixes The prefix “in” means “not”. If “incredible” means “not believable” then the word credible must mean what?
Taunt A crowd would taunt a deviant in the stocks.
Taunt “…I shall taunt you a second time…” Define taunt
Analogies Example: Engaging is to Thrilling Happy is to Ecstatic as Based on the analogy, define ecstatic. “Thrilling” means “very engaging”, so “ecstatic” must mean “very happy.”
Bondage Impoverishment is to Money Bondage is to Freedom Comparison by analogy: Impoverishment is to Money as Bondage is to Freedom Based on the analogy, define bondage.
Hamper Build Up is to Destroy Help Along is to Hamper Comparison by analogy: Build Up is to Destroy as Help Along is to Hamper Based on the analogy, define hamper.
Sarcastic is to Sardonic Analogy: Upset is to Furious as Sarcastic is to Sardonic Based on the comparison, define sardonic