How to train self-regulation
Dimensions of self-regulation Goal Orientation Willpower Affect Regulation Self-Perception Self-Reinforcement Self-Integration Self-Development Self-Compassion
Goal orientation Goal orientation: this dimension describes how effective, clear, realistic, timely, measurable and operationalised the goals are that a person pursues. Previous research has examined goal orientation as a motivation variable useful for recruitment, climate and culture, performance appraisal, and selection. Studies have also used goal orientation to predict sales performance, goal setting, learning and adaptive behaviors in training, and leadership
Willpower Willpower involves how effectively a person converts the goals, intentions and plans that he or she has set to result-oriented and concrete action. In addition, this dimension pictures how a person can concentrate on a task, imagining success and achievement, and appropriately dividing his or her time between speed and correctness. People will use different definitions to describe willpower, some of the most common ones are: drive, determination, self-discipline, self- control, self-regulation, effortful control.
Affect Regulation Affect regulation describes how a person succeeds in promoting and maintaining adaptive affects and emotions for the aims pursued, and to be able to flexibly switch between negative and positive affects. It also includes how a person can cope with contradictory requirements, frustrations and internal conflicts in the pursuit of goals, and control impulses that are not goal-relevant. What is also conveyed is how a person can cope with failure, learn from mistakes and motivate him- or herself, even if he or she has no desire to do so anymore.
Self-Perception Self-perception: relating to how well a person succeeds in sensing and recognizing his or her own needs, preferences and intentions, and to test them against external expectations.
Self-reinforcement Self-reinforcement is a dimension that describes how a person succeeds in encouraging himself, in reminding himself of tasks, in creating positive inner dialogues, strengthening him- or herself and ending disturbing thoughts.
Self-Integration Self-integration refers to how congruent the goals and actions of individuals are with their own essential needs, values and long-term life plans and goals. It is about how authentically, internally free and autonomous a person feels about what he or she is doing.
Self-Development Self-development is a dimension of self-regulation, reveals how important a person values self-research, his or her own development, change and self-knowledge. It is a matter of how open, curious and reflective individuals are for their own thinking, experience and behaviour, and to what extent they can take a bird’s perspective on themselves.
Self-compassion Self-compassion means how acceptable, understanding and non- judgmental a person is against his own shortcomings and mistakes. This dimension describes how a person can manage wise self-care, deal with malaise, and live an attitude of mindfulness.
Questionnaire The questionnaire started with 38 items, but in order to reduce the number of questions to those really needed for the information required, a factor analysis has been conducted. As a result of the descriptive statistics, we have formed the red, orange and green scores. The scores for each dimension are formed as a result of a linear combination (red <M-1SD; orange >M-1SD and <M+1sd; and green as >M+1SD).
Questionnaire The analysis permitted to cut the questionnaire down to the 22 items. This is much more user-friendly, in particular the online version with immediate results and exercises for improvement. Why is this important? VOCIS is designed to be easily accessible – the success of the project is the use made of the instruments.
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