Teddy is on his way! On his hunting trip to Africa after he declined to run for presidency in 1908, Teddy Roosevelt killed 296 lions, elephants, water buffaloes, and other animals.
What does this mean? Republican votes divided by TR’s Bull Moose Progressives equal- a Democratic victory.
Republican Party- William Taft (The Incumbent) Conservative approach Goals: Attempt to restrain and monopolize trade would be a criminal offense. More elastic monetary system Publication of campaign contributions
Democratic Party- Woodrow Wilson New Freedom Stronger government role in economic affairs. Goals: Lower tariffs More stringent antitrust laws Introduction of the Income tax Direct election of United States Senators Safeguarding the rights of organized labor. Strict federal regulations for railway, telephone, and telegraph companies. Wilson supported small business and free-market competition, and characterized all business monopolies as evil.
Progressive Party (Bull-Moose Party)- Teddy Roosevelt Stronger government role in economic affairs Goals: Suffrage for women Direct elections of senators Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall. National workmen’s compensation, eight-hour workday, a minimum wage for women, a federal law against child labor, and a federal trade commission to regulate business. The Progressive Party became known as the Bull Moose Party, after Roosevelt’s boast that he was “as strong as a bull moose.” Roosevelt supported government action to supervise big business but did not oppose all business monopolies.
Socialist Part- Eugene V. Debs Called for an end to capitalism He wanted government to regulate business and bust trusts, and distribute wealth more equally among the people.
Democrat’s Win The Split in the Republican ranks handed the Democrat’s the White House