Advanced Placement Literature and Composition AP candidate presentation Spring 2016 Fackler Bretz and LeRoux
About The Course AP Literature at Apex High: is a semester-long course covers the curriculum for both English IV and AP Literature and Composition
Students will be working toward developing analytical reading skills by reading a variety of different works of literature including fiction, drama and poetry
AP Literature Similar test format to AP Language test Visit College Board AP Central website for more information Multiple choice portion Free response: 3 essays Literary analysis of poem Literary analysis of prose fiction Free choice on literary merit
Should I Take AP Lit? Am I an avid reader? Did I take AP Lang and earn a B or higher? Am I a strong writer? Do I have a good command of LITERARY TERMS and CONCEPTS? Is my vocabulary advanced? Do I have a good “vocabulary arsenal”? Am I planning on taking the AP test in the spring?
Should I take AP Lit? (Part 2) Am I intellectually curious? Do I plan on majoring in some aspect of the HUMANITIES in college? Do I understand that I MAY NOT earn college credit in this course, and if I do, it will probably be an elective credit? Am I willing to earn less than an A in the course? If you are looking to “boost your GPA”, please consider another option.
Should I take AP Lit? (Part 3) Am I prepared for this level of RIGOR in my SENIOR year REGARDLESS OF SEMESTER? Am I willing to work independently outside of class? Can I handle the workload with my other obligations? Can I handle the course while applying to college?
Should I take AP Lit? (Part 4) Am I prepared to work hard? (regardless of which semester I have this class) Can I handle critiques of my writing from my teacher and my peers? Will I obtain and complete with competence the summer reading assignment before the first day of class?
Summer Reading For 2016-2017: Literary theory packet Brave New World 1984 Frankenstein 5 Steps to a 5 There are TWO assignments due within the first two weeks of class.
What is the difference between Honors and AP Lit? A LOT! Rigor TEST PREP: timed writings/essay format multiple choice Reading selections Pace Projects Writing Thinking Content
It is really fun! AP Literature can be really fun. We analyze literature and conduct a lot of literary discussions on works. However, if you DON’T DO THE WORK, you can’t participate. If you love to read challenging material and think about the connections to philosophy, politics, and religious ideology, then you will love AP Lit!