Creating and Editing Geographic Files TransCAD Creating and Editing Geographic Files 2018/11/16
Geographic File Formats TransCAD geographic files come in two formats, with two file extensions: A compact, read-only format that displays very quickly (.CDF) A standard, editable format that takes more disk space and displays less quickly (.DBD) When you create new geographic files, they are in the standard, editable format, so you can modify them right away. But most TransCAD geographic files are delivered in the compact, read-only format, and before you can edit them, you must first convert them in to the standard format. 2018/11/16
To Convert Between Geographic File Formats 2018/11/16
To Create a New Point or Area Geographic File 2018/11/16
To Create a New Line Geographic File 2018/11/16
Using the Point Editing Tools 2018/11/16
Using the Line Editing Tools 2018/11/16
Setting One-Way Segments TransCAD offers two ways to set the directionality of segments in a line layer: Selecting segments and marking them as one way north, south, east, or west, using the Network/Paths-Link Directions command. This requires you to first select all the segments that are to be set as one way. This command also lets you reset one-way segments as two way. Indicating nodes along a shortest path and setting segments as one way in the direction of the path, using the Tools-Map Editing-Set One-Way Segments command However, this product will not run on Academic TransCAD. You need full TransCAD. 2018/11/16
To Copy and Paste Segments 2018/11/16
To Add Areas or Split Areas into Parts 2018/11/16
To Cut a Hole in an Area 2018/11/16
To Change a Hole into an Area 2018/11/16
To Remove a Hole Click on the surrounding area and then on the are that used to be the hole. Follow the procedure above to change the hole into an area 2018/11/16
To Create an Area with Islands Use the Join tool to join any islands together into a single area. 2018/11/16
To Split Off One Island into a Separate Area 2018/11/16
To Move an Area Centroid Drag it to the desired location 2018/11/16
To Create a Geographic File of Centroids 2018/11/16