State of Oklahoma Activities in Unmanned Aerial Systems Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier Secretary of Science and Technology UAS Technology Forum 31 August 2017
The Governor’s UAS Council Advises the Governor on all aspects of UAS development and related technologies, including R&D, education, economic development, job creation and capital investment. This includes developing and updating strategic plans (10-year roadmap) Stood up during FAA test site competition 2012 2015
Key Oklahoma UAS Assets
Major Focus: Weather Sensing and 3D Mesonet
Council Recent Planning Retreat Pivoting to Aerospace and Autonomous Systems Encompasses UAS but is much broader Includes manned but autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles (air, water, ground) Emphasizing Unique test ranges and facilities for large vehicles and systems, including airspace/space interface Manufacturing and testing of large systems R&D for all-weather operations R&D in sensing, software, data analytics, machine learning, AI
Comprehensive University Engagement via “OneOklahoma” Concept