Pupil Equity Funding Kathryn Paterson, CYPIC Improvement Advisor, Scottish Government Bill Scott-Watson, Acting Head, Scottish Attainment Challenge Policy.


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Presentation transcript:

Pupil Equity Funding Kathryn Paterson, CYPIC Improvement Advisor, Scottish Government Bill Scott-Watson, Acting Head, Scottish Attainment Challenge Policy Unit, Scottish Government Intro – Hello my name is and intro everyone else Health & Safety – Fire Drill Toilets Tweet – Using #CYPIC Link to the session via ‘insert title of app’

Breakout Norms All Teach All Learn Open and Safe Environment Parking Lot Have fun

Breakout Objectives Gain an increased understanding of Pupil Equity Funding and learn more about the policy itself Opportunity to hear from teams who have been using improvement methodology to support their PEF related work Opportunity to discuss how improvement methodology could support on-going PEF related work

How We’ll Spend Our Time Policy Presentation Local Authority Presentation Q&A Group Discussion

Acting Head, Scottish Attainment Challenge Policy Unit Bill Scott-Watson Acting Head, Scottish Attainment Challenge Policy Unit Intro – Hello my name is and intro everyone else Health & Safety – Fire Drill Toilets Tweet – Using #CYPIC Link to the session via ‘insert title of app’

The Attainment Challenge and Attainment Scotland Fund – 2017-18 Pupil Equity Funding £45m Challenge Authorities and Schools Programme £5m National Programmes A small number of nationally funded programmes which support the Scottish Attainment Challenge, including teacher recruitment, professional learning, supporting aspirations. Literacy Health and Wellbeing Targeted specific and additional interventions to narrow the inequity gap in the 9 Challenge Authorities and 74 schools with the highest concentrations of pupils living in areas of multiple deprivation Funding support to all schools with P1-S3 pupils from low income families (95% of schools) Numeracy

Pupil Equity Funding Schools Pupils Funding Primary 1,928 75,735 £90,882,000 Secondary (S1-3) 358 22,043 £26,451,600 Special 113 2,395 £2,874,000 TOTAL 2,399 100,173 £120,207,600 *£1,200 per pupil registered for free school meals in P1-S3 (or equivalent) +95% of all schools, 17.5% of all pupils P1-S3

Pupil Equity Funding – key principles / expectations for headteachers PEF must be additional to existing activities Targeted interventions – funding is to close poverty related attainment gap Clear, evidenced-based rationale for plans and activities Partnership working – with LA, other schools, 3rd sector etc. Parents and carers, children and young people and other key stakeholders engaged in the planning process Plans from the outset to evaluate impact Existing school improvement planning and reporting procedures

An MFI Approach Sarah Else Implementing PEF An MFI Approach Sarah Else

National Picture


HGiOS 4 The Model for Improvement provides a framework for teams addressing improvement. The virtuous cycle of improvement (see Figure 1) illustrates the key features of evidence-based self-improvement at school and at system-wide levels. This virtuous cycle is relevant to all sectors of education. Working with the virtuous cycle will help you to understand the importance of regular and rigorous evidence-based internal and external evaluation to inform further improvement.

Learning from SAC schools Struggled with being clear about what they were doing Baselines Outcomes Measures How they would know Evidence

How can MFI help with PEF? Clear aim – need to identify what we want to achieve Change ideas – what we’ve always done isn’t working so need to be creative Measures – identified from aim, what does better look like? Testing – aim big, start small – less risk Learn from what you are doing, not waiting until the end

Community School Class Pupil Quantitative Qualitative

Workforce Development

Group Discussion Questions How are you monitoring and evaluating your Pupil Equity Funding work? How comfortable are you in using improvement methodology to inform your on-going Pupil Equity Funding related work? What further support might you need to incorporate improvement methodology into your work?
