Choose a specific audience which requires clear adaptations. After-Dinner Speech Key Points? Choose a specific audience which requires clear adaptations. Inspire and entertain that audience with a 2-6 minute speech. Audience Analysis Sheet due Thursday, May 13 beginning of class.
Audience/Inspire/Entertain Who will you speak to? Retired librarians? HS sports parents? 2nd graders? Pheasant hunters? A room full of Speech teachers? Dungeons & Dragons™ basement dwellers? Audience can not be 9-12th graders. In fact, it will be better if the audience is as different as possible.
Audience/Inspire/Entertain Adapting for your audience Pro soccer players? Try these: Stories about great individual players, games, World Cups Facts about great individual players, games, World Cups Rules of the game Language specific to the sport (50/50, Wall Pass, Pitch) Jokes about the sport Clothing appropriate for this audience
Audience/Inspire/Entertain Adapting for your audience English teachers? Try these: Anecdotes from your experience Quotes from great authors/literature Puns Literary journal citations Clothing appropriate for this audience
Audience/Inspire/Entertain Your turn On your own: Brainstorm 3 varied audiences For each potential audience, list four ways to adapt specifically to that audience. With a friend: Share your lists Choose one Share with the class
Audience/Inspire/Entertain How might you adapt your speech if. . . You are speaking to a room full of librarians? You are speaking to a room full of 5th grade boys? You are speaking to the JM Principals? You are speaking to your best friend while hanging out? Choose a specific audience which requires clear adaptations. (Worksheet due Thursday, May 15.)
Audience/Inspire/Entertain Take five minutes to begin brainstorming ideas on your handout.
Audience/Inspire/Entertain You must move your audience to act or feel a specific way Consider your persuasive appeals (Ethos/Logos/Pathos) For example Librarians – promote reading so more books are checked out 5th Grade boys – take care of their personal hygiene JM Principals – have seniors graduate a week earlier Looking back at the audience you and a friend chose earlier, brainstorm two possible ways to inspire them. Be ready to share.
Audience/Inspire/Entertain This needs to be a light-hearted speech Jokes (the interwebs is your friend) Amusing stories (the interwebs is your friend) Humor techniques (PP and worksheet) Top Ten list
Choose a specific audience which requires clear adaptations. After-Dinner Speech Key Points? Choose a specific audience which requires clear adaptations. Inspire and entertain that audience with a 2-6 minute speech. Audience Analysis Sheet due Thursday, May 15, beginning of class.
Inspiring? Entertaining? Adapted for the audience? Wedding Toast Sample After-Dinner Inspiring? Entertaining? Adapted for the audience? Wedding Toast
mple After-Dinner George Alexander Charalambous: Winner After Dinner Speaking - at World Youth Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championship 2010. The Vampire Speech!!
Your turn – Speech final : Part I Create a 2-6 minute speech to present for your final speech and speech final. 60 points Word process an outline following correct outline procedures. (The informative speech outline handout will be helpful here.) 30 points Word process a Works Cited page documenting your source/s. (If you are the only source, you may document this on your outline - use the format we used with the demonstration speech. If you have more than one source, create a Works Cited page using the MLA format.) Included in outline 30 points. Prepare and practice using note cards. 10 points.