National Rural Employment Guarentee Act NREGAsoft for National Rural Employment Guarentee Act MoRD- NIC Initiative
No.of States : 31 No. of Districts :599 No. of Blocks :6413 No. of Panchayats : 241880
Implementation Status of NREGA for 2007-2008 S No Activity No. of households No. of persons 1. Registration 3,02,68,425 7,57,55,210 2 Job Card Issued 2,43,25,974 3. Demand for work 36,00,486 59,52,672 4. Work provided 32,92,485 54,05,614 Number of .Muster roll filled 10,07,668 Ongoing Works 249,823 No .of families completed 100 days 46,126 Persondays generated 9,45,56,032
Objectives of (NREGAsoft) To bring transparency in the whole system Make various Registers, muster rolls, documents available to public. Provide single window interface for all the stake holders of NREGA Maintain records of 100 days of employment to a family Maintain accounts and generate all Registers/documents to be kept at Gram Panchayat in the format specified in guidelines Track transfer of fund to various implementing agency. Track the pattern of demand for work for future planning Prepare inventory of works/assets created under NREGA for future planning. Decide when and how much fund to replenish in which account. Highlight the irregularities, alerts to various stakeholders. Register grievances of workers. Facilitate information exchange.
Features of the software Properly layered structure Separate role for each stakeholder Provide local language support Available in online as well as offline mode Offline module is available on Microsoft technologies as well as on open source technologies Loose coupling with BPL census 2002 and election commission database . Capturing data at grass root level User friendly
Work Flow Of NREGA Works Beneficiary Fund Transfer Works proposed Gram Panchayat Fund transfer from Center Registration Technical approval Fund transfer from States Job card Issued No Reasons Fin. and admn approval D.P.C. Demand for work Shelf of work P.O. Admn. Exp. Other Impl. Agency Work allocation Transfer fund Work completed and assets created issue pay Blank muster roll forms having unique no. Unemploy. allowance Work provided, muster roll filled and wage paid Expenditure on material
Work Flow at Gram panchayat Rural Indians with NREGA Job Card Rural Indians Registration Job card Demand for work Gram Sabha Ack. of Rect. of demand shelf of work receive Propose work Gram Panchayat Allocation Sheet Send work to P.O. for approval Allocation of work Generate reports/alerts/ Registers Payment on muster roll Measurement & Preparation of muster roll Receipt of blank muster roll form from P.O Maintain Account and prepare cash book Cash Bank Post office
Work Flow at Programme officer Send work to engineers for technical approval TechnicalSanction With TS NO. and date is generated Send Technically approved work to D.P.C for financial approval Proposed work complaints issue blank muster roll to Impl. Agencies Attend complaints Programme officer Transfer of fund to GP/ other impl. agencies Maintain Account and prepare cash book Payment of unemployment allowance Receive fund Generate reports, alerts , analysis, muster roll issue register Admn. Exp.
Work Flow at D.P.C. Level Generate reports, Alerts, Analysis Technically Sanctioned work Sanction works with unique sanction no and date complaints Generate reports, Alerts, Analysis Attend complaints District Programme Officer Transfer of fund to GP/P.O. other impl. agencies Maintain Account and prepare cash book Receive fund Admn. Exp.
Modules in NREGAsoft Administrative Module Beneficiary Module Finance Module Works Management Module. Stores and Inventory Management Module Grievance Redress Module Cost estimation Module Knowledge network/solution exchange
Beneficiary module Registration Issue of job card Reasons No Registration Issue of job card Reasons Yes Ack. for Receipt of demand Demand for work Approved work from work module Allocation of work Allocation sheet Muster roll issued by P.O. Generation of pay slip Work provided, muster roll filled,measurement done and wage paid
Codes Unique code to a household based on location code / family_id as per household survey 2002. e.g. OR-07-001-020-001/2860 Each member will be identified with serial no 1,2,3,4 and so on within the family e.g. OR-07-001-020-001/2860/1, OR-07-001-020-001/2860/2 Unique demand_id generated by system to account for the allocation of work fro that demand and calculation of unemployment allowance. Unique number to muster roll as printed on the blank muster roll issued by programme officer
Job Card
Details of Employment
Job Card Of Maharashtra
Kerala Job card in Malayalam
Kerala Job card in Tamil
Kerala Job card in Kannad
Demand for work
Acknowledgement for Receipt of demand
Work Allocation
Allocation Sheet
Muster Roll –Data Entry
Measurement Book –Data Entry
Wage List
Pay slips
Muster Roll
Muster Roll Of Kerala
Works management module Revise the proposal No Proposal of work Technical sanction Sleep mode with Reasons Yes Financial sanction Shelf of work Suspended work Completed work Ongoing work Last verification of work Asset creation Last Verification of work
Codes & Parameters Unique code to each work based on location code / work category /work_serial_no. (2408021014/WC-Tank/9724) Unique code to each asset based on location code / work category/asset_Year of completion/asset_serial_no (2408021014/WC-Tank/asset0708/2) Parameters Year of proposal Priority Location of work with khata number ,plot number. Area covered Existing status Proposed status Expected mandays to be generated Expected cost Work status Expected date of start and completion Date and number of Technical sanction and final seanction Whether included in annual action plan/perspective plan
Rural Connectivity
Water Conservation
Work Sanction–Data Entry
Suspend Work
Completion of work
Last Measurement/Verification of work
Gram Panchayat Staffing Pattern
Fund Management Module MoRD State RD Department District Programme Coordinator Programme officer at block level Unenmployment allowance Other Impl. Agencies Gram Panchayats Expenditure on labour Expenditure on material Admn. Expenditure
Codes for Fund Management Each transfer of fund gets a unique transfer _id Each receipt of fund gets a unique receipt_id Each receipt is linked to its transfer Parameters Transfer from whom Transfer to whom Date of transfer Amount transferred Cheque/DD/TT number Cheque/DD/TT date
Funds received by D.P.C.
Fund Transferred from D.P.C.
Fund Received by Programme officer
Fund transferred by programme officer
Fund Received by Gram Panchayat/implementing agencies
Procurement of Material Payment to skilled and semi skilled workers Material Management Procurement of Material Payment to skilled and semi skilled workers
Payment to skilled/semi skilled workers
Progamme officer at Block level Issue of Blank Muster Roll form Issue of Measurement Book Payment of unemployment allowance Attending Complaints
Issue of Blank Muster Roll form
Issue of Measurement Book To Engineers
Payment of unemployment allowance 46
Cost Estimation Module Fill Prepare detailed estimate for work Engineers Schedule of rates Measurement of Site Calculate the labour payment as per measurement for a muster roll Calculate wage per day on a muster roll
Schedule of Rates(SoR) SoR can be State level , Regional level , District level
Preparation of Estimate-Input Screen
Cost Estimation Of Earthen Road
Abstract Estimates
Measurement book Jr. Engg
Grievance Redressal system
Grievance –Data Entry Impl. Agency I have not got my job card
Bank/ Post Office Module Create the masters which link the villages with BO, SO, HO. Update the Wrong Account Found (if any) Authorised muster for payment by Bank/Post Office Receive Cheque Generate Wage List Cheque Realisation Creadit Fund into Account Enter Fund Disbursement Details Close Account
Authorised Muster For Payment
Generate Wage List
Bank/ Post Office
H.O. Master Directory
Enter B.O. Directory
Credit Wage list/ Account of Worker
Social Audit Module Social audit calender Issue raised and action taken(summary) Verification of documents and observation Grievance submitted action taken Minutes of meeting
Social Audit Calender
Issue Raised & Action Taken (Summary)
Verification of Documents and Observation
Grievance Submitted & Action Taken
Minutes of Meeting
Labour Budget Module
Labour Projection
Work Projection - GP
Report Generation
G.P. Level Reports
Registration caste wise
List of persons Demanded job
List of persons to whom employment offered
Work Status Report
Unfulfilled Demand
Alerts on Attendance
Alerts on Employment Exhausted
Cash Book
Works Pending For Technical Approval (GP)
Works Pending For Financial Approval (GP)
Social Audit Report
Verification & Observation
Grievance Submitted
Programme Officer reports
State Level Reports
MPR Reports From MIS
Financial Statement for Financial Year 2007-2008
MIS Analytic Reports
Expenditure Statement for Works
Work Register
Work Register
Average Wage Paid
Suspended Works
Expenditure on Work
Fund available at D.P.C.
Funds Flow Statement & Expenditure For DPC for Financial Year 2007-2008
Labour, Material Ratio Analysis
Outlays & Outcomes during Financial Year 2007-2008
Locations with absence of NREGA processes
Location With No Registration
Location With No Job Card Issued
Location With No Demand For work
Location With No work in shelf
Location With No ongoing work
List of Registered persons to whom job Card Not issued
Registered Person Without Job Card
Demand And Delayed Allocation
Unemployment Allowance
Delayed Payment
Works running behind the schedule
Analysis-Boudh,Orissa Wage,Material Ratio Analysis Work Execution Level Analysis
MIS issues raised by States Family worked more than 100 days Entry of Wage per day in muster roll. Entry for previous financial year. Entry of skilled/semiskilled workers. Unicode enablement of system. Uploading data on websites from blocks. Infrastructure Set up at block level Editing /deletion of record Muster roll not found. Job card no is not available in the demand screen. Closing account at each level. Difference between fund available at a level and at a location.
Thank You
Status of NREGAsoft implementation of Financial Year 2006-07
Status of NREGAsoft implementation of Financial Year 2007-08