Sound VS Light One Pager (Must be colorful!!!) Type of waves for light and sound (2 for both) Can they travel through a vacuum? Why or why not? Which is faster, sound or light? List the types of sound interference What is the hearing range of an average person? Show the difference in the speed of sound when moving through a solid, liquid, or a gas Define Doppler Effect, beats, resonance, sonic boom, electromagnetic spectrum, diffraction, refraction, and plane mirror Give 3 real world applications of sound and of light aside from the obvious of seeing and hearing. Describe what happens when light is absorbed, transmitted, and reflected Show what happens as light enters a prism as well as when it passes through a new medium What are the colors of the visible spectrum in order of MOST to LEAST amount of energy? Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting light and sound. (minimum 3 in each section) ***GET THIS STAMPED BEFORE TURNING IT IN***