Jeopardy (L to R) Pancho Villa WEB Du Bois Nelson Mandela
Mexico Africa Middle East People Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 Ch29Nationalism 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
This was the dictator who ruled Mexico for 30 years and resigned in 1911. Porfirio Diaz Who was Porfirio Diaz ?
This Mexican leader called for free elections and became President in 1911, but was assassinated in 1913. Who was Francisco Madero ? Francesco Madero
These two Mexican revolutionaries won the loyalty of peasants who wanted land reform. Emilio Zapata, and Pancho Villa Who was Emilio Zapata and Pancho Villa ?
He was elected President of Mexico in 1917 and reluctantly approved a new Constitution. Venustiano Carranza Who was Venustiano Carranza ?
This was the political party organized by Mexican government leaders and nationalized foreign oil investments. PRI or Institutional Revolutionary Party What was the PRI or Institutional Revolutionary Party?
This is the country in Africa where Kikuyu tribesmen resisted British rule. What was Kenya ? Kenya
This is the country where Ibo women waged “The Women’s War” against British rule. Nigeria What was Nigeria ?
This is the political party organized by educated blacks in South Africa. What was the ANC or African National Congress ? African National Congress or ANC
He organized the first Pan-African Congress in Paris to ask leaders meeting at Versailles for African rights. WEB DuBois Who was W.E.B. Dubois ?
This is the type of racial segregation practiced in South Africa. What was Apartheid ? apartheid
This was the Egyptian political party organized by Muslims and Christians to resist British rule. The Wafd Party What was the WAFD Party ?
This Turkish leader is given credit for westernizing his country This Turkish leader is given credit for westernizing his country. He banned polygamy, and adopted western dress. Mustapha Kemal or Kemal Ataturk Who was Mustapha Kemal or Kemal Ataturk ?
These are the two European countries that set up sphere’s of influence in Iran. Russia and Great Britain What was Russia and Great Britain ?
This is the nationalistic movement that began in Saudi Arabia and sought to unite Arabs in their own state. Pan-Arabism What was Pan-Arabism ?
This is the document that stated that the British supported the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Balfour Declaration What was the Balfour Declaration ?
He was the founder of the Zionist movement to secure a Jewish homeland. Theodor Herzl Who was Theodor Herzl ?
He became the new Shah of Iran after overthrowing the old Shah in 1925. Reza Pahlavi or Reza Khan Who was Shah Reza Pahlavi or Reza Khan ?
He was the Senegalese poet and statesman who helped Senegal win independence from France. Who was Leopold Senghor ? Leopold Senghor
He was Egypt’s king but he was controlled by the British. Who was King Faud ? King Faud
He wrote a book titled “ Facing Mount Kenya” about resisting British imperialism by using cultural pride. Jomo Kenyata Who was Jomo Kenyata ?
This was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s policy towards Mexico which attempted to right old wrongs. The Good Neighbor Policy What was the Good Neighbor Policy ?
This is the type of nationalism reflected in the murals of Diego Rivera, and Jose Clemente Orozco. Cultural nationalism What was Cultural Nationalism ?
This is the term referring to government takeover of foreign investments, with no or little compensation to the investors. nationalization What is nationalization ?
This was the type of economics practiced by many countries after WWI and helped cause the Great Depression. Economic nationalism What was economic nationalism?
This is the term coined by French speaking African writers that expressed a pride in their African heritage. negritude What is negritude ?