The End of the Mexican Revolution Mexico under carranza The End of the Mexican Revolution
Venustiano Carranza As Villa and Zapata separately fought against Carranza, Carranza and Obregon formed an alliance (though neither trusted the other) - Carranza knew that Obregon planned to turn on him once Villa was captured so he tried hard to keep Obregon in a subordinate position While Villa attacked the US in an attempt to destabilize the Carranza regime, Zapata focused on land reform in Morelos and did nothing to help Villa. -Carranza tried hard to defeat Zapata and eventually killed him in 1919 After Villa’s attacks on the US he gained a large following. Even though the US offered a $50,000 reward no one turned him in. Alvaro Obregon
Carranza reluctantly allowed US troops in to search for Villa (mainly because he wanted to avoid war with the US) - When the last US troops left Mexico in Feb. 1917, Carranza’s status was greatly enhanced among the Mexican people for ridding the nation of a foreign presence
Carranza Presidency (brutal, oppressive regime) Eliminated Huerta supporters Rigidly controlled newspapers Took control of the railways Forced loans and taxes on all areas deemed “hostile” Persecuted Spaniards Executed anyone he saw as an enemy Saw foreign investment in Mexico as threatening the nation’s national sovereignty and announced plans to reform the foreign investment process Venustiano Carranza, 1913
Ended up giving Carranza more power than Porfirio Diaz ever had. Constitution of 1917 Product of urban middle class mentality but inspired by land reform mentality (Villa and Zapata) It was seen as very liberal in terms of religion, gender, race and freedom of the press Got rid of presidential succession, significantly increased the power of the executive, gave judges lifelong tenure Ended up giving Carranza more power than Porfirio Diaz ever had. Carranza’s main problem was the military – to ensure that the army was reliable the budget was increased to 10Xs that of Diaz. Congressional Congress in Aquacalientes, 1917, swearing support of the new constitution.
Francisco “Pancho” Villa Villista movement declining in popularity due to atrocities committed by Villa’s men. - theft, murder, rape (media coverage of events such as his authorization of the killing of over 90 women allegedly associated with Carranza’s men - this cost him support and resulted in Carranza being even more determined to stop Villa’s movement (though he was more distracted by Obregon’s threatening power)
Alvaro Obregon Obregon retired in 1919 with agreement that he would be Mexico’s next president. He had created a powerful coalition of military, middle class and working class followers (basically anyone frustrated with Carranza) Carranza tried to retaliate and stripped Obregon of his military rank and had him arrested for treason. - Obregon claimed Carranza was violating the constitution and called for an uprising. Carranza attempted to escape to Veracruz, but was attacked and killed on the way. With Carranza dead, Villa sought amnesty. Obregon agreed if Villa would retire completely from public life to a hacienda with 50 armed guards. ** The death of Carranza and surrender of Villa marks the end of the Mexican Revolution **