The World in the 1920’s
Post-war recession lasted until 1921 in most countries Reparations and war debts complicated economic recovery
It takes a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread in Germany
German children make a tower out of worthless Deutsche Marks
Deutsche Marks are swept off the street with the rest of the trash
Dawes Plan solved this problem temporarily and led to an economic boom after 1924
The Kellogg-Briand Pact International agreement signed in 1928 by most nations in the world Outlawed “war as an instrument of national policy”
Gandhi began his non-violent campaign against British rule in India Civil War between communists and nationalists broke out in China in 1927
Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong
“"He (Africans) fought with the white man to save the white man's home “"He (Africans) fought with the white man to save the white man's home...and the war was won… Black men all the world over are asking today: "What have we got? What are we going to get out of it all?”” Felix Eugene Michael Hercules
2m. Africans served in WWI Many returned home expecting greater independence Early nationalist movements began (Pan-Africanism)
Marcus Garvey
Latin America
U.S. replaced Britain as the dominant foreign influence in the region Global demand for Latin American raw materials grew as a result of the worldwide economic boom Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) resulted from demands for reform
Pancho Villa Emiliano Zapata