Finding the balance for assessment VALIDITY Does it assess the subject? All areas? RELIABILITY Consistency in judgements? Is it accurate? Shared understanding of subject and assessment Torbay - 15 min Manageability Sarah Earle @PriSciEarle
Is assessment doing what we want it to do? Is it valid? Whole sch processes Ongoing rich formative assessment can be summarised from a range of contexts Summative reporting e.g. based on range of info Monitoring e.g. manageable records, moderation Responsive teaching e.g. clear focus, Qs, feedback Assessment to support learning Funded by Primary Science Teaching Trust. Based at Bath Spa Institute for Education. Working with TAPS project schools, PSQM, PSTT college fellows Is it assessing what it is meant to? (construct/content validity) Is it having the impact it is meant to? (consequential validity) Summative teacher assessments can draw on a range of rich formative information Active pupil involvement e.g. self/peer assessment Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS)
Assessment to support learning Teachers adapt the pace and challenge of activities Assessment to support learning Developing active pupil involvement and responsive teaching Pupils assess their own ideas Pupils assess peers' ideas and work Pupils identify their existing ideas
Are we assessing consistently? Is it reliable? Developing a shared understanding Many TAPS schools identified moderation as an area for development Moderation discussions to support consistency/reliability Bath Spa Institute for Education TAPS playlist
How can we make this manageable? School self-evaluation to select focus for development Examples are supportive Expanding database of free focused assessment plans and work samples Focus, clear purpose and examples support manageability bank of egs as recommended by the Assessment without levels commission From TAPS, PSQM, PSTT TAPS pyramid with linked egs (Free download on website)
Balancing key principles in teacher assessment VALIDITY Full breadth of subject focused outcomes summarised from a range of evidence types RELIABILITY Subject focused moderating discussions, supported by criteria and exemplars Shared understanding of subject and assessment purposes Manageability Sarah Earle @PriSciEarle