Agenda 8/22/16 Welcome Back!!!!! Advisory (8:20 – 9:50) RED CARDS? **ROLL CALL** Fill out Buff card- TURN IN TO SCHEDULES Get class schedule- write schedule down on sheet Listen to morning announcements “The Bush Way” Attendance/FRST Regular Class Periods Greetings!- intro Activity – People bingo HW: Bring a spiral notebook to class Friday!
Agenda 8/23/16 HW: Bring a spiral notebook to class by Friday! 1. video about school culture 2. Social Studies Rules and Procedures & textbook 3. Activity – Passport to Me 6th period- PTA packets HW: Bring a spiral notebook to class by Friday! Passport to Me due Friday!
Agenda 8/24/16 HW: Bring a spiral notebook to class by Friday! 1. Digital Citizenship Discussion 6th- PTA packets! HW: Bring a spiral notebook to class by Friday! Passport to Me due Friday!
Agenda 8/25/16 6th- PTA packets DUE TOMORROW! HW: TEKS: (3) Geography. The student uses geographic tools to answer geographic questions. The student is expected to: (A) pose and answer geographic questions, including: Where is it located? Why is it there? What is significant about its location? How is its location related to the location of other people, places, and environments; Supporting Standard Language Objective: Students will be drawing and labeling a map with all the continents and oceans. Finish Digital Citizenship Remind sign up Seating chart/class roles 6th- PTA packets DUE TOMORROW! HW: Bring a spiral notebook to class by Friday! Passport to Me due Friday!
Agenda 8/26/16 TEKS: (3) Geography. The student uses geographic tools to answer geographic questions. The student is expected to: (A) pose and answer geographic questions, including: Where is it located? Why is it there? What is significant about its location? How is its location related to the location of other people, places, and environments; Supporting Standard Language Objective: Students will be drawing and labeling a map with all the continents and oceans. 1. Turn in Spiral **MAKE SURE YOUR NAME AND CLASS PERIOD ARE ON IT** 2. Turn in Passport to Me! 3. Labeling Continents and Oceans Include the 7 continents and 5 oceans (Check map with a partner) Start Drawing Free Hand World Map This will be for a grade! 6th period- PTA PACKETS & BUFF CARD HW: 1. Finish World Map (Due on Tuesday 8/30) if not completed 2. **Quiz next Tuesday 8/30 over continents and oceans!
Asia Africa Antarctica Arctic Ocean North Europe America Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean South America Atlantic Ocean Australia Antarctica