Information Processing Receptors (primary afferent neurons) Stimulus Primary and Association Cortex Neural Pathways
Information Processing Conduction Transduction Receptors (primary afferent neurons) Stimulus Sensation Perception Primary and Association Cortex Transmission Neural Pathways Unconcious Concious
Auditory System Sound External and Middle Ear Inner Hair Cells Cochlea Primary and Association Cortex Auditory Pathway Spiral ganglion Cochlear nucleus Superior olive Inferior colliculus Medial geniculate
Type I Hair Cells Vestibular Labyrinths Primary and Association Cortex Vestibular System Head motion or gravity Type I Hair Cells Vestibular Labyrinths Primary and Association Cortex Vestibular Pathway Vestibular (Scarpa’s) ganglion Vestibular nuclei Spinal cord, cerebellum, oculomotor nuclei Thalamus (controversial)